Now, there is a theme park geared especially to people with special needs called Morgan's Wonderland. Gordon Hartman opened this one-of-a-kind amusement park in San Antonio, Texas in the spring of 2010. His inspiration for creating the 25-acre park was his daughter, Morgan, who suffers from a condition in which her brain functions with a severe delay. He used his own money and generous donations to create rides and activities specifically designed for those with special needs. A few of the 25 attractions include a water park, music garden, and pirate's island. Microchip tracking bracelets and cameras help chaperones keep track of special needs visitors and their safety.
如今則出現一座專門設計給有特殊需求的人士盡情遊玩的主題樂園, 它就叫作摩根仙境樂園。高登.哈特曼在2010年的春天,於德州聖安東尼奧市開辦了這個獨一無二的遊樂園。他之所以打造這座佔地二十五英畝的樂園,靈感是 來自於他的女兒摩根,因為她遭受一種腦部運作嚴重遲緩的疾病所苦。於是他自掏腰包,再加上其他人慷慨解囊的捐款,為那些有特殊需求的人量身打造許多遊樂設 施和遊戲。園內有二十五個景點設施,其中一些包括親水公園、音樂花園以及海盜之島。靠著內植追蹤晶片的手鐲與眾多監視器的協助,監護者得以隨時追蹤這些特 殊遊客的下落,並且確保他們的安全。
◎microchip (n.) 晶片
◎chaperone (n.) 監護者
◎keep track of... 追蹤/紀錄……
The police used a wiretap to keep track of the suspect's phone conversations.
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