

Sports are something everyone can enjoy, but extreme sports are for the bold and the brave. There is no real definition of extreme sports, but they are usually dangerous athletic activities. For this reason, most extreme athletes are quite young. The various sports usually involve speed, height, and pecial gear, and they make use of wind, water, snow, or ountains. Extreme sports are rarely done with teams, and extreme athletes usually train without a coach. There are few rules and limits with extreme sports, and most athletes try to push the limits. Mostly, it takes courage, strength, and perhaps a bit of luck to compete in extreme sports.

每個人都可享受運動的樂趣,但極限運動是大膽和勇敢的人專屬的運動。極限運動並沒有確切的定義,但它們通常是危險的體育活動。由於這個原因,大部份的極限運動員都 十分年輕。這類多元化的運動通常包含速度、高度,還有特殊裝備,這些運動都利用到風、水、雪,還有高山。極限運動很少以團隊的方式來進行,而且這些運動員通常在沒 有教練的情況下自我訓練。極限運動沒有什麼規則和限制,大部份的運動員一心想要超越極限。大致上來說,我們需要勇氣、力量,也許還要一點運氣才能在極限運動中一較高下。




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