A black Labrador who became known as the "rattling dog" had 13 golf balls removed from its stomach after picking up the white balls "like truffles" when taken for walks on a golf course in Scotland, it was reported Friday.
Owner Chris Morrison had been taking five-year-old Oscar round a golf course in Dunfermline, north of Edinburgh, for several months when he became concerned about a rattling sound emanating from the pet’s stomach.
The vet discovered that 13 balls - each weighing 45 grams - were lodged in his stomach. One of the balls had been there so long it had turned black as it was decomposing.
"He finds golf balls like truffles. He normally brings a few home, but I had no idea he had eaten so many. He’s a black lab so he is a fair size, but to swallow 13 is quite amazing," said Morris.
Veterinary surgeon Bob Hesketh who opened up Oscar said he had never seen anything like it.
"It was like a magic trick. I opened him up and felt what I thought was two or three golf balls. But they just kept coming."
rattle:動詞,發出咯咯聲、使(人)不安。She was rattled by the newly revealed evidence.(新的證據讓她吃了一驚)
manate:動詞,散發、放射。A sweet scent emanates from the blossoms.(花朵散發芳香)
open up:片語,打開;本文的意思是將奧斯卡的肚子「打開」,也就是開刀的意思。
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