- Full-time employees are eligible for annual leave based on years of service. 正職員工可以按照年資休年假。
- Every employee is expecting his/her year-end bonus. 每位員工都在期待自己的年終獎金。
- She gets the equivalent of more than twenty-eight months of salary every year, including bonuses. 她每年連分紅能領到超過二十八個月的薪水。
- The year-end salary raise is due to an increase in the company's profits. 年底的加薪是因為公司獲利增加。
- We will have an annual outing next month. 公司下個月將舉辦年度旅遊。
- The welfare committee is planning a year-end party. 福委會正在籌辦公司尾牙。
- Everyone should fill out their employee evaluation form today. 今天每個人都要填好員工考核表。
- We need to discuss our sales plan for next year. 我們需要討論明年的銷售計畫。
- The promotions will be determined based on this year's performance. 公司將依照員工今年的表現決定是否升遷。
- I am considering a career change. 我在考慮要轉換跑道。
- I resigned from my position. I am off the payroll. 我離職了。
- Mr. Wang left the present job because his employment contract expired. 王先生因為工作合約期滿而離開現職。
- We are throwing a farewell party for Henry. 我們要替亨利辦一場歡送會。
- The industry boom comes to an end this year. Next year will be difficult. 業界的好景氣到今年為止,明年將很糟。
- She is arranging holiday rotations. 她正在安排同仁的假日輪班。