《中英對照讀新聞》Broga yoga for men: more macho, less mantra 男性的瑜伽Broga:多點陽剛,少點梵唱
Men are turning to Broga, a rugged take on the 3,000-year-old practice of movement and breath.
Broga celebrates the physical over the spiritual, and strength over flexibility. Experts say it sets men free to flex tight hamstrings without hearing invocations to Hindu deities or feeling inept next to a woman twisted like a pretzel.
"I consider myself an athletic guy, but have never been flexible and didn’t like the thought of embarrassing myself in front of a group of women," said financial analyst Eric Wright, 22, of San Jose, California.
Wright and his male colleagues use the video streaming service Grokker to practice. "On Wednesdays we have a standing Broga appointment and anywhere from five to eight others will join me," he said.
rugged:形容詞,粗獷的。例句:She fell for his rugged good looks.(她為他粗獷的外型傾倒。)
flexibility:名詞,靈活性。例句:You can improve your flexibility by exercising.(你可以透過運動來提升柔軟度。)
inept:形容詞,笨拙的。例句:Dick was socially inept and uncomfortable in the presence of women.(迪克在女性面前顯得笨拙和不安。)
無敵翻譯引用自: http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=882150&day=2015-05-21