無敵翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/different-expressions-meaning-marrying.html
一般大多只知道結婚或嫁娶的英文是 marry, get married 和 wed,其中最常用的是 get married,其次是 marry,而 marry 和 wed 都可當及物和不及物動詞用。例如:
My son’s getting married next week. (我兒子下週要結婚)
He didn’t marry until he was forty. (他直到四十歲才結婚)
They wed (or wedded) in the spring. (他們在春天結了婚)
He married/wed Mary last year. (他去年和瑪麗結婚)
然而,除上述外,英文至少還有 5 個片語跟 marry 和 get married 同義。它們是 get hitched, get spliced, tie the knot, take the plunge 和 walk down the aisle,其中除 get hitched 為俚語 (slang) 外,餘者均為非正式用語(informal);這 5 個片語中以 get hitched 和 tie the knot 或 walk down the aisle 比較常見。它們的例句請參閱字典。
最後值得一提的是,若 get married 和當不及物動詞用的 marry 要接受詞時,則必須先接介系詞 “to" 再接受詞。例如:Michael got married to Jane last month. (麥可上月和珍結婚);Amy is marrying to a wealthy old man. (艾美即將嫁給一位富有的老頭)。所以,當你看到下面的句子時,千萬別以為邦妮跟一位男生結婚,否則就貽笑大方了:
Bonnie got married with a boy. 這句話的意思是「邦妮已婚,有個兒子」。可別以為介系詞 with 都意為「和…」,這裡的 with 表示「伴隨」的意思。如果將這句改成下句,那就不會引起誤會了:
Bonnie got married with a child. 或
Bonnie got married with a son.
無敵翻譯 引用自 http://englishhome.org/different-expressions-meaning-marrying.html