無敵翻譯 引用自 民視英文新聞
2014台北國際電腦展今天開展,往年電腦展示商品,都以PC為主,今年將技術向外 擴散,主打智慧生活科技,其中最亮眼的,就是整合衣物、電子通訊、雲端智慧等 物聯網的的穿戴裝置,一起來看看。
2014台北國際電腦展,開展第一天,現場就湧進萬人,特別是當紅的智慧科技展區 ,人氣超旺。
看看這個身穿智能運動衣的模特兒,如果想知道運動完可以消 耗多少卡路里,透過衣服上的小配件,立刻顯現出來。
[[業者 陳芬苓]]
電腦展的另一亮點,就是國內電子書龍頭元太科技推出的新產品,將電子書的概念運用到智慧手錶。而且今年還有雙螢幕手機,正面是一般手機,背面可以當作電子書使用 。
[[業者 黃志銘]]
跟科技結合一直是,目前我們客戶推出的重點,電子紙因為具有傳統低耗電,閱讀舒適 以及可勞視的特性,我們也配合客戶的需求,開發出一些產品
Asia’s largest computer show, Computex Taipei, begins today (2014/06/03)
Today was the opening of Computex Taipei. This year’s event features a variety of smart technology ranging from wearable devices to mobile computing and e-books.
It was the first day for 2014 Computex Taipei as a large crowd filled this exhibition hall. One of the most popular sections of the exhibit is the smart technology area.
This model is wearing a smart jersey and is jogging in place. Information such as how many calories are burned during the workout is transferred to a wearable gadget which displays the information instantly.
Chen Fen-ling
Tech Industry Representative
This conductive fabric can be worn on the body and sense one’s heartbeat. It is quite comfortable and can be paired with clothing and is also quite breathable.
Another highlight of Computex is Taiwan’s leading provider of e-books, E-ink. The company recently applied this technology to a smart watch. Another eye-catching product this year is the dual-screen cell phone with screens on both the front and back. The front operates much like a regular cell phone, while the back surface can be used as an e-book reader.
Huang Chih-ming
Tech Industry
After working with this technology, we learned the current focus of our customers is that e-paper uses less power and is more comfortable for reading content. We are working to meet customer needs by developing these new products.
Another company has developed smart glasses that display information on the lenses and operate much like a tablet PC. It can also take photos and video and even receive email