無敵翻譯 引用自 民視英語新聞



台灣紡織工業,很早就外移東南亞,但有兩位台大商研所高材生,看到家族布料業就這樣沒落,很不甘心,現在決定放棄高薪工作、搶救家族事業,從一條牛仔褲製作,全部made in taiwan,希望讓台灣的紡織業鮭魚回流。

原色牛仔褲,採用未脫漿丹寧布,加入彈性紗,多了幾分伸展性,重點是這條褲子,從原料、代工到技術,全都MADE IN TAIWAN,而背後的操刀手,是兩位即將畢業的-台大高材生。


[[台大商研所學生 陳裕林]]


NTU College of Management students return to family run business (2014/06/03)

Long ago, Taiwan's textile industry began to relocate to Southeast Asia to enjoy cheaper OEM production costs. Two students from National Taiwan University’s College of Management hope to help their family run business survive in Taiwan. To them, producing a pair of jeans entirely in “Made in Taiwan” is a symbol of success. 

These denim jeans are made with elastic yarn allowing them to stretch. What is most important is that everything from the raw material to the OEM process are all “Made in Taiwan.” The people behind this company are graduates from National Taiwan University.

Two 25 year old students at National Taiwan University’s Management Institute, Chen Yu-lin and Tseng Bo-hao, gave up the pursuit of high paying jobs after graduation. They decided to chase their own dream and raise money via the internet to establish their own brand. Another motivation was rescuing a family run business.

Chen Yu-lin
NTU Management Institute Student 
I think that our (domestic) production is quite good. So why do we need to send our goods overseas to be produced, just to benefit from cheaper OEM work before coming back to Taiwan? Actually, Taiwanese consumers can already accept quite a high price in the market.

These two students don’t fear the decline of Taiwan’s traditional industries. Instead, they believe it’s an opportunity for them to use their creativity to revive Taiwan’s lagging textile industry.




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