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企業看調薪 景氣悶到不行,上班族引頸期盼就是加薪,如今傳產和電子業總算傳出好消息,台塑總裁王文淵和工會協商後,敲定調薪2.5%加上獎金3000元,裕隆幅度未定,至於其他的電子大廠,宏達電、台積電是按照員工績效表現而定。 台塑總裁王文淵、四寶高層及工會代表,依序進入會議室要協商加薪幅度,最後決議加薪2.5%,外加3000元獎金。 [[台塑資深副總 侯水文]] “雖然我們第一季業績很好,但第二季表現比第一季差很多,但最後總裁還是展現,最大照顧勞工誠意” 至於裕隆、和泰兩大車廠,雖然表示國內車市不好,但業外轉投資獲利佳,認真工作的員工,要給點鼓勵。 [[裕隆總經理 陳國榮]] “會有這方面考量,至於調薪的百分比,目前還在內部作業中” 景氣雖悶,但其他企業及電子廠,包括王品、鼎泰豐、台灣大哥大、台積電、宏達電等都喊出要加薪。 Several of Taiwan’s biggest firms plan to give raises (2013/06/12) Many companies remain tight-fisted when it comes to the subject of employee raises. But several of Taiwan’s largest enterprises have announced that they plan to give a little extra back to their workers this year. Formosa Plastics Group Chairman William Wong, top executives of the group’s four major units and labor union representatives worked together on a deal. They agreed to a 2.5 percent raise and a NT$3,000 bonus. Ho Shui-wen Formosa Plastics Group Our first quarter performance was good, but the second quarter was much worse. The chairman still felt, however, that it was important to care for our workers. Automobile groups Yulon and Hotai say the domestic car market is poor, but they have seen success in their reinvestment business. They too hope to give back to their workers. Chen Kuo-rong Yulon Motor President We are considering this. Internally we are discussing what percentage raise we should offer. Other companies that say raises are in store include Wowprime, DinTaiFeng, Taiwan Mobile, TSMC and HTC.

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立院明臨會 立法院明天將召開臨時會,除了將處理行政院提出的會計法修法覆議案,拿掉8500點天險的證所稅、核四公投都是焦點,部分法案,綠營已經揚言抗爭到底,行政院長江宜樺週五還將到立法院,針對十二年國教進行專案報告,會不會排富?屆時也將宣布。 趕在週五行政院長江宜樺對十二年國教拍板定案前,國民黨團週四將召開黨團大會,先邀教育部長蔣偉寧來報告,國民黨立委陳學聖也完成連署,要求高中職免學費部分要排富。 [[電訪立委 陳學聖]] “台灣財政狀況真的不是很好,不然怎麼會二代健保,要補充保費還要有證所稅,還有年金要調整,代表台灣財政狀況不是那麼好了” 13日起召開的臨時會,要處理的爭議法案,還不只這一項,週四處理會計法修正的覆議、證所稅修正案、核四公投、年金改革,綠營已經揚言擋到底,但可以預期的是,在國民黨團人數優勢下,這些法案要過關,困難度不小。 Lawmakers debate 12-year compulsory education ahead of extraordinary session (2013/06/12) KMT Legislator Apollo Chen urged the government to cancel its plan to give tuition-free schooling to all as part of 12-year compulsory education. Chen says the government is not in a position financially to be so generous. The education plan is one of many contentious issues lawmakers are debating ahead of an extraordinary legislative session to take place Thursday and a report from the premier on Friday. In a meeting Thursday the KMT legislative caucus will hear a report from Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling, one day before Premier Jiang Yi-huah is to report on the government’s version of 12-year compulsory education. KMT Legislator Apollo Chen is expected to deliver a petition calling on wealthy families to be excluded from fully subsidized high school and middle school tuition fees. Voice of Apollo Chen KMT Legislator Taiwan's financial situation is poor. Otherwise, why would there be second generation National Health Insurance reform with added premiums, a capital gains tax on securities, as well as pension adjustments? All of these actions show that Taiwan is suffering through a difficult financial situatio On Thursday the Legislature will hold an extraordinary session. It will examine a number of bills, including reconsideration of the Accounting Act amendment, the capital gains tax, a referendum on the Fourth Nuclear Plant and pension reform. Pan-green legislators have threatened to block all of this legislation, though they’ll have trouble overcoming the KMT’s majority.

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國共先兩會 海基海協兩會週五,將針對兩岸服務貿易協議進行預備性磋商。國民黨榮譽黨主席吳伯雄,今天啟程赴中,明天將與中共總書記習近平會面,進行國共會談。 吳伯雄說,會談內容將在兩人會面後公布,不過綠營質疑國共會談先於海基海協兩會會談,如此以黨領政,不符體制。 KMT-CPC Meeting (2013/06/12) The Taiwanese and Chinese semi-official agencies that handle cross-strait negotiations will meet on Friday for preparatory talks. They plan to discuss the possibility of signing a service trade agreement. Before then, KMT Honorary Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung heads to China for a high-level, party-to-party meeting. He arrived Wednesday and will represent the KMT in a Thursday meeting with Xi Jinping, the Communist Party chief and president of China. The opposition DPP is criticizing the arrangement because it feels the KMT is putting the party ahead of the national government.

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端午特選 AIT龍舟賽 台北國際龍舟賽,上午在大佳河濱公園 登場,好手雲集,今年共有234支隊伍參賽,其中包括藝人賈永婕帶領的隊伍、「AIT Dragon Boat Team」等,不過都以些微差距,雙雙落敗,但對龍舟比賽充滿熱情,AIT處長馬啟思說,明年還要捲土重來。 鐵馬龍舟賽 在台東池上,有民眾突發奇想,利用連接起來的三輪車,保麗龍做成的龍頭,連點睛儀式也不馬虎,為了讓老人家們也參與划龍舟的樂趣,台東池上首度舉辦安全又有趣的陸上鐵馬龍舟賽,不分男女老少,都能參加。 高鐵送香包 今天是端午節,高鐵公司要送給搭乘旅客,一個貼心的應景禮物,就是車廂造型的香包。100個限量香包,五分鐘就全部發完。不只小朋友愛不釋手,還有外國旅客來台遊玩,看到香包覺得又新奇又有趣! BRIEFS (2013/06/12) Dragon Boat Races The Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship took place this morning at Dajia Riverside Park. A total of 234 teams participated, including a team led by entertainer JiaYong-jie and a team from the American Institute in Taiwan. Both of these high profile teams were defeated, though AIT Director Christopher Marut pledged his team would return next year. Dragon Boat Cycle Race In Taitung’s Chihshang Township people connected tricycles, complete with dragon heads made from Styrofoam and an eye-dotting ceremony. Later, both young and old were invited to participate in this safe and fun dragon boat race held onshore. HSR Novelties To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival the Taiwan High Speed Rail distributed 100 limited edition decorations made in the shape of a high-speed rail train. Within five minutes they were all gone. It wasn’t just children who sought out these traditional items associated with the Dragon Boat Festival, but also a few foreigners traveling in Taiwan who were quite amused by these novelties.

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哈登端午節 NBA休士頓火箭隊球星,也是林書豪的隊友哈登,今天抵達台灣進行兩天一夜的行程,球星不愧是球星,果然超人氣,來台首站來到高雄,傳授HBL球員他縱橫NBA球場上籃球技巧。 結束後,剛好碰上端午節,哈登來到高雄愛河,特地來看龍舟賽,入境隨俗,把粽子香包掛在身上,並且表演敲大鼓。 James Harden in Taiwan (2013/06/12) James Harden, a member of the Houston Rockets and a teammate of Jeremy Lin, is in Taiwan for a two-day visit. This star NBA player attracted a huge crowd in Kaohsiung, demonstrating his on the court moves against members of the local high school basketball league. At the end of the demonstration Harden visited Kaohsiung’s Love River where he watched some dragon boat races. As befitting local customs, he gratefully accepted some zongzi and a local trinket, as well as taking his turn performing on the drums.

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雙北Ubike 為了節能減炭,新北市政府從五年前開始,提供自行車給民眾使用,並斥資千萬,打造租借系統,但是,又和台北市的Ubike不相容,有新北市民認為,自己好像二等公民。市長朱立倫強調,一定會和台北市政府協調及禁改進。 市議員張瑞山,忍不住要為新北市民說句公道話,因為新北市府提供的自行車,跟台北市的Ubike相比,差太多。 [[新北市民]] “新北市要加油啦,不然好像二等國民” 環保局著手規劃Newbike,雖然只有200輛車,和台北市Ubike的2,000多輛車,有落差,但都可用悠遊卡消費、甲地借車乙地還。 但問題在新北市的系統和台北市不相容,原本設定的雙北生活圈,以鐵馬族來講,不適用。 [[新北市長 朱立倫]] “五年前的規劃,所以跟台北市不相容,但是,我們已經政策指示,包括我們新店、汐止地區,都是要跟台北市能夠相容,那原來舊的系統,未來也要調整相容” 朱立倫也強調,新的車體正在設計中,未來會讓鐵馬族,騎車騎的自在又輕鬆。 New Taipei residents upset over ‘inferior’ shared bicycle system (2013/06/12) New Taipei residents don’t like to think of themselves as second-class citizens. So when they compare their public bicycle sharing system with that of neighboring Taipei, it’s difficult not to get a bit upset. On Thursday New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu promised that improvements are on the way. New Taipei City Councilor Chang Ruei-shan believes the city should provide better bicycles. Chang says the bikes offered by New Taipei along with the rental system are far behind that of Taipei’s Ubike system. New Taipei Resident New Taipei must try to catch up. Otherwise, we’ll be second-class citizens. New Taipei’s Environmental Protection Department launched the Newbike system. But it is limited to only 200 bikes, far fewer than the more than 2,000 bicycles in Taipei’s Ubike program. Both systems let users pay using an EasyCard, and bicycles can be returned at stations other than where they were rented. But they are not compatible. This despite constant talk from the mayors of the two cities that they want to build one living circle. Eric Chu New Taipei Mayor We began planning our system five years ago so it’s incompatible with Taipei. But we have issued a policy directive that in Xindian and Xizhi, the system should be compatible with that of Taipei. Chu says new bicycles are being designed that will impress riders and allow for greater ease of use.

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兩韓會破局 兩韓情勢又有變化。根據南韓韓聯社報導,因為對12號會談、雙方代表團團長的級別,無法達成共識,預定12號,也就是明天舉行的兩韓會談,已經宣佈取消。但還不確定會談是會延後還是無限期取消。 Inter-Korean Talks Cancelled (2013/06/11) According to South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, talks between North and South Korea scheduled for Wednesday have been called off. Seoul blamed the inability of the two sides to agree on the level of chief delegates. It was not clear if the talks would be rescheduled.

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馬七月改組 會計法修法烏龍,出現要求行政院長江宜樺下台的聲浪,也傳七月份將內閣改組。 駐美代表金溥聰將接任國安會秘書長,不過馬總統昨天接受電台訪問時,強調沒聽過這樣的消息,並且對行政院長江宜樺很肯定,還稱讚他有為有守。 No Cabinet Reshuffle (2013/06/11) Flaws when amending the Accounting Act have led to calls for Premier Jiang Yi-huah to step down. Rumors have also emerged that a Cabinet reshuffle will take place next month. One such report claims that Taiwan’s representative to the United States, King Pu-tsung, will become secretary-general of the National Security Council. But during a radio interview on Monday, President Ma Ying-jeou denied this change was in the works. Ma also voiced his support for Premier Jiang.

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張忠謀時事 晶圓代工業龍頭台積電今天舉辦股東會,董事長張忠謀宣布去年營收和獲利雙雙創下歷史新高。不過對於台灣下半年經濟情勢,他保守認為最近還看不到轉機。此外,雖然他不願意談核電議題,但是張忠謀以前總統李登輝說過的話為例,敬佩他對保證用電穩定的魄力。 台電董事長張忠謀在股東會上,除了談到對台積電的展望外,也提到有關台灣目前的現況。讓他憂心的是台灣經濟還看不到轉機,除非有日本首相安倍一樣的魄力。 [[台積電董事長 張忠謀]] “台灣的潛力, 應該是一年(經成長)5%,最近的未來,我還看不到什麼轉機,日本的安倍很大膽的宣布他三個箭,除非有這種轉機,否則台灣的發展還是在這個潛力之下” 談到核四,張忠謀不評論政治性問題,但講到用電,他很佩服前總統李登輝。 [[台積電董事長 張忠謀]] “那時候跟李總統講這個(跳電問題) ,李總統拍了一下桌子,政府假如是還不能夠供應給你可靠的電源,那我們這個政府要來幹什麼,非常敬佩他的態度” 至於證所稅修正案,把企業最低賦稅從10%調高到12。張忠謀表示,台積電試圖反映過有關「把與證券收入無關的稅率,夾帶在證所稅法案裡頭」一事給政府,但結果仍是沒有用處。 TSMC chairman urges the government to take action to boost the economy (2013/06/11) At an annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday TSMC Chairman Morris Chang predicted record high sales and net profits this year. Besides discussing his company’s prospects Chang diverged into national issues, urging more action from the government on the economy and offering an anecdote that seemed to endorse the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Morris Chang has more on his mind than business at TSMC. On Tuesday the chip-making executive discussed Taiwan’s current state, expressing dismay over the nation’s economy. Chang feels that someone needs to come along to shake things up. Morris Chang TSMC Chairman Taiwan has the potential to grow 5 percent annually, but I don’t see the opportunity for a transformation in the near future. Japan’s Abe boldly stated his three arrows policy. If this kind of transformation doesn’t occur in Taiwan, its growth will never reach its potential. When commenting on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, Chang said he did not want to get into the politics behind the issue. But he did mention a memorable meeting with former President Lee Teng-hui. Morris Chang TSMC Chairman In the past I spoke with President Lee about the problem (of power shortages). Lee struck the table and asked if the government couldn’t provide a reliable source of electricity, then of what use was the government? I really respected his attitude. Chang also suggested that the government raise the minimum corporate tax from 10 to 12 percent as part of its capital gains tax reform. But he said he had not received a favorable response on the proposal of including non-securities related tax issues in capital gains tax legislation.

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戴勝益借錢 王品集團董事長戴勝益,之前到大學演講勉勵新鮮人,"月收入沒5萬,不要儲蓄","如果錢不夠,還可以向爸媽借兩萬",引發爭議,今天戴勝益做出澄清,表示他只是要強調人脈重要性。 王品董事長戴勝益今天從副總統吳敦義手中,接過服務業金牌獎。但外界仍關心他日前語出驚人說,「畢業三年以內的新鮮人,如果月薪不到5萬,不要儲蓄,甚至可以伸手跟爸媽借」一話。 戴勝益澄清,並以自身為例,表示當初創業身無分文的他,就是因為有許多朋友的借錢幫忙,才有現在的王品。 [[王品董事長 戴勝益]] “出社會以後我就是家族企業,我是領四萬塊沒有存,因為我跟很多朋友都一些 交往人際關係,或者說一些必須的。在我創業的時候,我就自己深深感覺到,幸虧當初我跟這麼多朋友互動” 但如果新鮮人三年後,月薪還是不到5萬怎麼辦? [[王品董事長 戴勝益]] “那就是自己能力有問題,我是認為社會給每個人都是有一個時間” 面對媒體好奇,自家員工也不是每個都有月薪5萬時,戴勝益說這得視家庭狀況而定。 Wowprime chairman explains motivation behind controversial comments (2013/06/11) Wowprime Chairman Steve Day delivered a memorable quote in a commencement speech last week, suggesting that young adults spend and not save if they earn under NT$50,000 a month. On Tuesday the respected restaurant tycoon gave further insight into his meaning. Day says he was trying to express the importance of building professional and social networks. Steve Day rubbed shoulders with Vice President Wu Den-yih on Tuesday when receiving a gold medal for service. After the ceremony, however, attention was focused on Day’s surprising comments. Day said, quote: “New workers who graduated in the last three years and have a monthly salary of under NT$50,000 shouldn’t save money. You should even feel free to ask your parents for loans.” Day says he was thinking back to his own experiences. He had little money when starting and had to rely on funding from friends to turn Wowprime into the behemoth it is today. Steve Day Wowprime Chairman When I began working I entered the family business, making NT$40,000 a month and not saving anything. I was busy meeting with friends and building relations. It was necessary. When I was building my business, I realized how lucky I was to have interacted with that many friends in the beginning. Day was asked about workers who still make under NT$50,000 after three years. Steve Day Wowprime Chairman Then your ability is lacking. I believe there’s an inherent timeframe in society (for people to succeed). Reporters asked whether Wowprime employees who make under NT$50,000 should borrow from their families. Day says that depends on their family’s financial situation.

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國教三種調 12年國教明年實施,但光是排富與否,不僅家長團體間支持、反對意見分歧,連中央、地方也不同調。 來自全台各地的全家盟家長代表,齊聚教育部門口高喊口號,支持十二年國教如期上路,但另一邊十二年國教家長聯盟卻堅持暫緩。 [[十二年國教家長聯盟 周美里]] 我們當然希望最好是暫緩實施,但是如果政府執意要推動,那我要拜託政府,有爭議的千萬不要動,沒有爭議的先上路。 教育部推動十二年國教「免學費、不排富」的主張,不但家長團體意見分歧,且因為此作法造成地方經費負擔,六都首長也紛紛反對。 十二年國教一直沒有達到各方的共識,周五行政院長江宜樺,將到立院作十二年國教專案報告,期望屆時入學制度、免學費問題可以順利拍板定案。 Opinions mixed on 12-year compulsory education (2013/06/11) Parents gathered outside the Ministry of Education on Tuesday, some to express support for implementing 12-year compulsory education next year and others to express opposition. Their diverging views don’t end there. The government is leaning toward offering tuition-free schooling for all, regardless of wealth, but some parents feel it’s only fair if children of the wealthy pay more. Members of the National Alliance of Parents Organizations gathered in Taipei outside the Ministry of Education to show their support for the government’s plan to implement 12-year compulsory education next year. Opposite them another parents organization insisted the program should be delayed. Chou Mei-li Parents Association Member We certainly believe it’s best to suspend implementation. But if the government insists, then I beg it to halt the parts of the program that are controversial and only implement pieces that haven’t sparked controversy. The ministry’s plan calls for tuition-free education for all, regardless of parental earnings. Opinions from parents groups diverge on whether such benefits should be extended to the wealthy, and local governments say it will present a financial burden. Six mayors have even expressed their opposition. It’s clear that a consensus has not yet emerged. Premier Jiang Yi-huah will defend the program in the Legislature on Friday, hoping to pass the government’s proposals on admissions and free tuition.

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神十要出發 中國神州十號,在今天下午五點三十八分,搭載兩男一女三名太空人,於內蒙古的酒泉衛星發射中心發射升空。 神州十號計畫飛行十五天,期間將會和中國自己的實驗室太空站「天宮一號」對接,三名太空人也將進駐天宮一號進行實驗,另外,神十還將透過衛星連線,在宇宙中進行首次的「太空開講」,向中國青少年講授太空知識。 China Launches Spacecraft (2013/06/11) China successfully launched its Shenzhou-10 spacecraft at 5:38 Tuesday afternoon. Three astronauts were aboard, two men and one woman, and the launch took place at Inner Mongolia’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Shenzhou-10 has embarked upon a 15-day mission which will include docking and entering China’s Tiangong-1 space station. Aside from carrying out experiments, the astronauts will have a live video feed while in orbit, and will conduct the first ever live space lesson to middle school and elementary school students in China.

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0611 特選 促都更檢屋 台北市有約65,000棟的房子,屋齡達30年以上,佔了全部住宅的70%左右。考量公共安全,台北市政府宣布明年1月起試辦「老屋健檢」,全額補助200棟屋齡超過30年、三層樓以上住宅的老房子,做外牆和公共區域的檢查。 OBU退費卡 國道電子計程收費將在9月1日正式上路,全面使用e-Tag感應扣款,以前申裝的OBU車上機也將無法使用。但現在遠通電收還宣布,如果車主沒有續裝e-Tag,之前購買OBU的錢將不直接退還,估計至少20%的OBU車主將受影響。 建民67號 王建民加盟藍鳥隊,雖然今天還沒正式登錄25人名單,但是已經確定未來將告別在洋基隊的40號,改穿67號球衣。 0611 BRIEFS (2013/06/11) Home Inspections About 65,000 homes in Taipei, or 70 percent of the total, are at least 30 years old. To guarantee the safety of these buildings, the city plans to launch a pilot inspection program for old homes in January. It will provide fully subsidized inspections of exterior walls and public areas of 200 homes that are at least 30 years old and on the third floor or higher. Limited Refunds After freeways move to an all-electronic toll system in September, vehicles will need to have an e-Tag system installed. On-board units will not be accepted. Drivers have the opportunity to receive a refund for their on-board unit when installing e-Tag, but Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection says it will not provide direct refunds to those who do not install e-Tag. About one-in-five on-board unit users are expected to take the loss. Wang to Wear 67 Wang Chien-ming has not yet been added to the Blue Jays 25-man roster, but he does know what number he will wear – 67, instead of the 40 that Wang wore with the Yankees.

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兩段式開門 過去常發生,汽車駕駛直接開門,害後方機車發生車禍的案例,為了改善這個不良習慣,從七月開始,考汽車駕照,必須「兩段式開門」,先把門打開一點點,確定後方沒車,才可以下車,否則要扣八分。 停車開門也有訣竅,教練講的可得注意聽,因為從七月開始,駕照路考得「兩段式開門」,否則要扣八分。 [[駕訓班教練 林國禎]] “開個10公分左右,就是預防如果有車子來的時候,這個動作會先讓後面來車有警戒,然後再確定一下,我們鏡子會有死角嘛,轉頭沒有死角,比較廣,確定沒有車,我們再全部打開來,這叫兩段式開車門” 駕照班學員表示,這樣的確會比較安全。 [[駕訓班學員]] “有這個習慣在,比較可以減少危險性” 考照項目增加兩段式開門,原因是車禍太頻繁,以往有不少駕駛路邊停車,看都不看就打開車門,造成後方機車來不及閃;此外,考照新制,還包括轉彎不打方向燈,從原本的扣兩分,加重為扣十六分,只要兩次沒打燈,就直接掰掰。 New driving test to require two-step technique for opening car doors (2013/06/11) When a new driving test begins next month test takers will have to crack the car door open slightly before opening it the rest of the way. The two-step technique serves as a warning to approaching scooter drivers. Driving instructors are teaching a new method for opening car doors because starting from July, driving tests will require a two-step technique. Those who do not follow this rule will be docked eight points. Lin Kuo-jhen Driving Instructor First open it about 10 centimeters. If there’s a vehicle coming from behind, this will serve as a warning. Then confirm there are no vehicles by turning your head to look. This provides a wider view than the mirrors because there aren’t any blind spots. Once you’re sure there aren’t any cars, open the door fully. This is the two-step technique for opening a car door. A student we spoke with says the new technique is much safer. Driver’s Education Student If you develop this habit you can lower risk of an accident. The technique was added to the exam because of the high number of accidents where a scooter driver hits an abruptly opened door. Also when the new exam begins 16 points will be docked for turning without signaling, instead of the previous two points. Two turns without signaling will result in failure.

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吃粽癌險增 端午節到了,大家難免吃粽子應景,但要提醒您,除了別吃過量容易胖,甚麼時間吃?也要特別注意!就有醫生警告,過午後最好別吃,尤其晚上人體內的蛋白質會把粽子的碳水化合物大量轉化成脂肪,加上高油、高鹹,對消化造成很大負擔,更很可能會增加腸胃道罹癌風險。 端午節要到了,市場粽子攤前,人手一大袋粽子,但小心,糯米和內餡的高熱量,會導致肥胖、消化不良,因此,醫生建議,早點吃。 [[台北慈濟醫院副院長 徐榮源]] “實際上我們身體上有一種蛋白,叫做BMAL1,讓我們平常吃這些碳水化合物,像這些糯米 或者不管是麵,碳水化合物它可以變成油脂,如果你晚上要吃,最好是五點半之前” 副院長徐榮源指出,如果長期在深夜期間,吃像粽子這種高油、高熱量的食物,大量的油脂累積在腸胃道,久而久之,容易形成息肉,大大的提高腸胃道致癌風險。 [[民眾]] “有這樣的情形 我都不知道呀,當然是很恐怖,那就白天吃” 醫師提醒,飲食習慣,多吃蔬果,配合規律運動,才不會因為美食,賠上健康。 Doctors warn of excessive consumption of zongzi (2013/06/11) Dragon Boat Festival, which takes place Wednesday, is a time to feast on a glutinous rice snack called zongzi. But doctors warn these treats are high in calories. They suggest eating them only during the daytime to give the body sufficient time to digest. The arrival of Dragon Boat Festival means many stalls in the market are selling zongzi. Some customers buy bags full, but they should be warned that the glutinous rice and fillings are high in calories, making it easy to gain weight and experience indigestion. Doctors recommend that people eat zongzi earlier in the day. Hsu Jung-yuen Tzu Chi Hospital Deputy Superintendent Our bodies have a protein called BMAL1 which allows us to eat carbohydrates like this glutinous rice or noodles. These carbohydrates can easily turn into fat if you eat at night. Preferably you should eat before 5:30. Dr. Hsu Jung-yuen says foods high in calories can cause fat to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. Over time, can cause polyps to form, greatly increasing the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. “I didn’t know about this. It’s frightening. I’ll eat them in the daytime.” Doctors remind everyone to pay greater attention to their diet and get regular exercise.

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容器標耐熱 食品安全問題,越來越多,塑膠容器的安全性也引起關注。食品藥物管理局,去年才要求,奶瓶、保鮮盒,都必須標示耐熱溫度,現在更進一步要求,從103年6月10日起,將管制擴大到美耐皿碗盤、一次性用的塑膠袋、湯匙等,都要強制標示耐熱溫度,否則最高可罰300萬。 滾燙熱湯,直接倒進塑膠袋,就連沸騰熱水,泡的茶,也用保麗龍杯。這些我們天天接觸的塑膠餐具,只要耐熱溫度不對,就會熔出毒素,因此,食品藥物管理局,要求一次性用的塑膠袋、保鮮膜、湯匙還有美耐皿的碗盤,明年6月10日起,都要強制標示。 [[食品藥物管理局科長 鄭維智]] “因為塑膠類容器,可以能PP材質、PS材質,或者是美耐皿樹脂的材質,要在碗盤碟上面標示,材質以及耐熱溫度,另外有關品名,製造日期等等,也要進行標示” 不過,走一趟小吃店,業者雖然抱怨,但也會遵守。 [[攤商]] “是有一點麻煩啦,但是這樣子是對大家比較好啦” 塑化劑、毒澱粉肆虐,食品藥物管理局加大管控,提高罰鍰,未來製造商如果沒有標示,最高可以罰300萬。 FDA to expand labeling requirements for commonly used food containers and utensils (2013/06/11) The Food and Drug Administration is expanding mandatory labeling for everyday products that come into contact with food. Starting from the middle of next year disposable bowls and other items will need to be labeled with heat resistance and other information. Hot soup is frequently poured directly into plastic bags and boiling water or tea is placed in Styrofoam cups. Even plastic cutlery that is not resistant to high temperatures can be a source of toxins. For this reason, the Food and Drug Administration will require single-use plastic bags, plastic wrap, spoons and melamine dishes to come with mandatory labeling beginning on June 10 of next year. Cheng Wei-chih Food and Drug Administration Plastic containers may be made from polypropylene, polystyrene, or melamine resin, so each of these bowls or dishes needs to be marked with the material, heat resistance temperature, brand and date of manufacture. Vendors have concerns but are willing to comply. “It’s inconvenient, but it’s in the best interests of everyone.” Officials are taking a more active role in food safety in the wake of the plasticizing agent and tainted starch scandals. Those who do not follow food container labeling rules will be subject to fines of up to NT$3 million.

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Aging Mars rover makes new water discoveries 老舊的火星探測車發現水的新證據

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A pear-shape figure can add 10 years to your life 梨形身材能增加你10年壽命

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Australian store charges customers A$5 for ’just looking’ 顧客只看不買 澳洲店家收5澳幣「觀賞費」

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Obama threatens ’family tattoo’ if daughters get their own 歐巴馬威脅 若女兒們刺青 就要使其成為「家族刺青」

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