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Fake pope held in Rome for looking like John Paul II 像若望保祿二世的假教宗在羅馬被捕

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General anaesthesia boosts dementia risks for elderly 全身麻醉增加年長者失智風險

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Australian guards lose German jewel thief in Bangkok 澳洲保全在曼谷搞丟德國珠寶大盜 .

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Has blabbermouth Harry given the game away? 長舌哈利洩漏了秘密嗎?

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Obama balks when asked if presidency is out of juice 被問到總統是否已經失勢,歐巴馬語塞 "Golly." That was Barack Obama, flabbergasted at a variant of a question all US presidents get sooner or later -- are you still relevant? 「天啊。」那是歐巴馬的回答,當時他被問到所有美國總統遲早都會被問到的一個問題而大吃一驚──你的地位仍舊舉足輕重嗎? Obama appeared taken aback when asked at a White House news conference whether he still had the "juice" to get his agenda through clogged up Congress. 歐巴馬在白宮記者會上被問到是否還有「影響力」,能在窒礙難行的國會推動他的政治主張時,他顯得十分震驚。 "Maybe I should just pack up and go home. Golly," said Obama, probably thinking the question impertinent, since he is only three months into his second term. 「或許我應該乾脆打包回家,天啊,」歐巴馬說,他可能認為這個問題非常失禮,因為他的第2任總統任期才剛邁入第3個月。 Yet Obama can barely contain his contempt for Congress, which blocks him at every turn and threatens his hopes for a robust second-term. "My charm offensive has helped me learn some interesting things about what’s going on in Congress -- it turns out, absolutely nothing," said Obama. 但歐巴馬幾乎無法克制他對國會的不屑,因為國會總是處處跟他作對,威脅到他在第二任總統任期內積極施政的期望。「我的魅力攻勢幫助我學到一些有關國會運作的趣事,那就是,國會什麼事都不做,」歐巴馬說。 The president’s joke, at the White House Correspondents dinner, betrayed frustration at banging his head against a congressional brick wall. 總統在白宮記者餐會上開的這個玩笑,也透露出他對於和國會交涉徒勞無力的挫折感。 "You seem to suggest that somehow these folks over there have no responsibilities and that my job is to somehow get them to behave," Obama told reporters, in a snipe at lawmakers. 「你們似乎暗示,那邊的那些傢伙沒有任何責任,而我的工作則是要設法讓他們聽話,」歐巴馬對記者說,話中又對國會議員放了一記冷槍。 新聞辭典 juice:名詞,指精力、活力,或者電力、汽油等,亦可引申為指政治實力或影響力,尤指在政界或商界的影響力,如My cousin Gianni’s got all the juice in this neighborhood.(我表哥吉安尼在這個社區很有影響力。) flabbergast:動詞,常用被動式,指使某人大吃一驚,如He was flabbergasted when we told him how cheap it was.(當我們告訴他這個東西有多便宜時,他非常驚訝。) bang one’s head against a brick wall:片語,指徒勞無功、白費力氣,如You’re banging your head against a brick wall trying to get that dog to behave properly.(你想讓那隻狗乖乖聽話,根本就是白費工夫。)

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Mary! Your message in a bottle has arrived...28 years later 瑪莉!你的瓶中信…遲了28年後,來了 ◎張沛元 A Canadian man’s message in a bottle honoring his promise to write to a woman named Mary has finally washed ashore 28 years later in Croatia. 一名實踐諾言寫信給一個名叫瑪莉的女子的加拿大男子所寫的瓶中信,28年後終於被沖上克羅埃西亞海岸。 Surfers cleaning the debris from a beach at the mouth of the Neretva river in the southern Adriatic came across a half-broken bottle with a paper inside, Croatian newspaper Dubrovack Vjesnik said on its website. 克羅埃西亞報紙Dubrovack Vjesnik網站報導,在亞得里亞海南部內雷特瓦河口的沙灘上清理垃圾的衝浪客,無意中發現一個半破裂、裡面塞了一張紙的瓶子。 A 23-year-old local surfer, who gave her name as Matea, nearly threw it away when she spotted a wet paper inside, which contained a message from Jonathon in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, which lies on Canada’s eastern coast. 一名23歲、名叫瑪禔的當地女衝浪客說,她差點就要把瓶子丟掉時,注意到瓶中有一張濕掉的紙,上面寫有來自加拿大東岸新斯科舍省的強納森的訊息。 "Mary, you really are a great person. I hope we can keep in correspondence. I said I would write. Your friend always, Jonathon, Nova Scotia, 1985," said the message. 「瑪莉,你真的是一個很棒的人。我希望能與你保持通信。我說過我會寫信(給你)。你永遠的朋友,強納森,新斯科舍省,1985年,」該訊息如是說。 新聞辭典 honor one’s promise/words:慣用語,實踐承諾。honor,動詞,實踐、落實。例句:He never honored his promise.(他這人向來說話不算話。) come across:慣用語,偶然碰見或發現。例句:I came across my old college roommate in town today.(我今天在鎮上巧遇我大學時代的室友。) spot:動詞,認出、發現。

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Increase potassium and cut salt to reduce stroke risk 飲食增加鉀、減少鹽分可降低中風風險 ◎國際新聞中心 Increasing potassium in our diets as well as cutting down on salt will reduce blood pressure levels and the risk of stroke, research in the British Medical Journal suggests. 刊登在「英國醫學期刊」的研究顯示,在我們的飲食中增加鉀並減少鹽分,可降低血壓和中風風險。 One study review found that eating an extra two to three servings of fruit or vegetables per day - which are high in potassium - was beneficial. A lower salt intake would increase the benefits further, researchers said. 一份研究評估發現,每天多吃2到3份富含鉀的蔬果有益健康。研究人員說,降低鹽的攝取好處更多。 While the increase of potassium in diets was found to have a positive effect on blood pressure, it was also discovered to have no adverse effects on kidney function or hormone levels, the research concluded. 研究總結說,在飲食中增加鉀被發現對血壓有正面效果,對腎臟功能或荷爾蒙值也沒有不利影響。 As a result, the World Health Organisation has issued its first guidelines on potassium intake, recommending that adults should consume more than 4g of potassium per day. 因此,世界衛生組織發布第一份鉀攝取指南,建議成人每天攝取4克以上的鉀。 新聞辭典 cut down:片語,減少。例句:I’m trying to cut down on caffeine.(我正試著減少咖啡因攝取。) serving:名詞,(食物)一份。例句:The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings.(這個食譜的量夠做4份餐。) adverse:形容詞,不利的。例句:The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.(這場比賽因為天候不佳取消。)

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No more Everest, says oldest to climb highest peak 不再攻聖母峰了,登上峰頂的最年長者說 ◎魏國金 The oldest person to climb Mount Everest said Sunday that he won’t make any further attempts to scale the world’s highest peak _ even though his new record may soon be in jeopardy. 攀登聖母峰最年長者週日說,他不會做任何進一步攀登世界最高峰頂的嘗試—即使他的新紀錄或許很快就岌岌可危。 "I think three times is enough,"Yuichiro Miura, who reached the top of Everest at the age of 80 last week, told reporters. "At this point I could not think of anything but rest." 「我認為,攻頂3次夠了,」上週以80歲高齡登上聖母峰頂的三浦雄一郎告訴記者。「此時我只想休息。 Meanwhile, Miura’s 81-year-old rival, Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan, was at Everest’s base camp preparing to attempt to regain his title as the oldest to conquer the mountain. Sherchan held the record for five years until Miura snatched the title. 與此同時,三浦81歲的對手、尼泊爾登山家舍川在聖母峰基地營,準備嘗試收復他征服世界第一峰最年長者的頭銜。舍川維持該紀錄5年,直到三浦奪走這項榮銜。 "I wish him best of luck, " Miura said in Japanese, with his son Gota, 43, who reached the top of Everest with his father last week, serving as his interpreter. 「我希望他鴻運當頭,」三浦以日文說,他43歲的兒子豪太擔任他的翻譯員;豪太上週與父親登上聖母峰頂。 Miura, however, insisted that Sherchan back up any claim of scaling Everest’s peak with clear photographs of the climber showing his face at the summit. 不過,三浦堅持舍川必須以他在峰頂時,臉部清晰的照片證實他登頂成功的宣稱。 Miura had climbed Everest in May 2008 at age 75, but Sherchan did the same a day earlier at 76. 2008年5月,三浦以75歲高齡攀登聖母峰,但舍川提早一天,以76歲之齡完成這項壯舉。 Miura underwent heart surgery in January for an irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, his fourth heart operation since 2007. He also broke his pelvis and left thigh bone in a 2009 skiing accident.(AP) 三浦1月間因心律不整動心臟手術,這是他自2007年以來第4次心臟手術。他也因2009年的一場滑雪意外摔斷骨盆與左大腿骨。(美聯社) 新聞辭典 (in)jeopardy︰名詞,危險、危難。例句︰His daughter’s life is in jeopardy.(他女兒的性命垂危。) at this point︰慣用語,此時。例句︰The patient is doing nicely at this point.(病患此時的狀況不錯。) undergo︰動詞,經歷、遭遇。例句︰His opinions on death penalty underwent a change.(他對死刑的看法有所轉變。)

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Afghan interpreters win right to new life in Britain 阿富汗口譯員贏得在英國展開新生活的權利 ◎陳維真 Up to 600 Afghan interpreters who served with British forces in Afghanistan will be offered the chance of a new life in Britain after a government U-turn, it was revealed on Wednesday. 週三曝光的消息指出,多達600名協助英軍的阿富汗口譯員在政府政策大轉彎後,將獲得在英國展開新生活的機會。 Prime Minister David Cameron had initially decided to discourage the interpreters from settling in Britain for fear of the message it would send out about the stability of Afghanistan as foreign forces pull out. 英國首相卡麥隆一開始反對讓阿富汗口譯員定居英國,擔心此舉會在外國部隊退出時傳達阿富汗情勢不穩的訊息。 Many of the Afghans say their lives are in danger from the Taliban due to their work with British forces in the restive southern Helmand Province. 多名阿富汗口譯員表示,他們因為在不安寧的南部赫曼德省和英軍合作,生命安全受到「神學士」威脅。 Although details of the new plan have yet to be released, interpreters who served on the frontline for at least one year will be allowed to move to Britain with close family members on a five-year visa. 儘管新計畫的細節尚未公佈,但在前線支援一年以上的口譯員可拿到5年簽證,與家屬一同移居英國。 They will reportedly be able to choose between cash payments if they stay in Afghanistan or settle in a country nearby, and the right to move to Britain. 據報他們有權選擇移居英國,或選擇獲得現金報償留在阿富汗,或是到附近國家定居。 Those who wish to remain in Afghanistan will be paid their salary for five years if they train or study, or be paid for 18 months if they do not. 希望留在阿富汗的人,若接受訓練或上課,可拿到5年的薪水,反之則可拿一年半的薪水。 The Downing Street source said Cameron "has been very clear that we should not turn our backs on those who have trod the same path as our soldiers in Helmand, consistently putting their lives at risk to help our troops achieve their mission". (AFP) (唐寧街)首相府消息人士表示,卡麥隆「清楚表明我們不該拒絕幫助那些與我們在赫曼德省的士兵同路的人,他們一貫將生命置於險境,來幫助我們的部隊達成任務。」 (法新社) 新聞辭典 discourage:動詞,以表達不贊同或製造困難的方式阻止。例句:The plan is designed to discourage smoking in public places.(這項計畫意在阻止於公共場所吸菸。) restive:形容詞,不安寧。例句:The crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive. (群眾已經等了好幾個小時,許多人已開始騷動。) turn back on:片語,拒絕或拋棄。例句:She turned her back on her career to devote her life to animals. (她放棄事業,將人生奉獻給動物。)

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Hapless attempt at parallel parking in Belfast is internet hit 貝爾法斯特不幸的路邊停車嘗試成網路熱門影片

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Superman’s 75th puts spotlight on Cleveland roots 超人75週年生日,克里夫蘭根源受矚目 ◎俞智敏 The tough, blue-collar roots of Superman’s creators are getting a fresh look on the superhero’s 75th anniversary. 隨著超人75歲生日到來,超人創造者的堅韌藍領根源也獲得全新的關注。 Creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster lived just a few blocks apart in the Cleveland neighborhood that shaped their teenage lives, their dreams and the imagery of the Man of Steel. 超人漫畫原作者西格爾和舒斯特少時在克里夫蘭的住處只隔了幾條街,這個社區形塑了他們的青少年時光、夢想與鋼鐵英雄的意象。 In the city’s Glenville neighborhood, still in the throttling grip of the Great Depression, Siegel and Shuster labored on their creation for years before finally selling Superman to a publisher. 克里夫蘭市的格蘭維爾區當時仍受到經濟大蕭條的嚴重打擊,西格爾和舒斯特為他們的創作努力多年,最後才把超人賣給出版商。 The Man of Steel became a Depression-era bootstrap strategy for the Siegel/Shuster team, according to Brad Ricca, a professor at nearby Case Western Reserve University who uses Superman in his classes. "They really just saw it as a way out," he said. 根據鄰近克里夫蘭的凱斯西儲大學教授利卡表示,鋼鐵英雄成為西格爾和舒斯特在大蕭條時代的自力謀生策略,利卡會在課堂中講授超人作品。「他們真的把它視為一條出路,」他說。 But it wasn’t just hardscrabble circumstances that tempered the Man of Steel, Siegel’s daughter said. Laura Siegel Larson said Cleveland’s public library, comic pages and high school mentors all nurtured her father’s creativity. 但鋼鐵英雄並不只是受到貧困的環境所鍛鍊,西格爾的女兒表示。蘿拉.西格爾.拉森說,克里夫蘭的公共圖書館、漫畫及高中導師都滋養了她父親的創意。 "The encouragement that he received from his English teachers and the editors at the Glenville High School newspaper and the literary magazine gave my dad a real confidence in his talents," she said.(AP) 「受到來自他的英文老師,以及格蘭維爾高中報紙和文學雜誌編輯的鼓勵,讓我父親對他的天分擁有真正的信心,」她說。(美聯社) 新聞辭典 throttle:作名詞時指節流閥、油門,作動詞則指掐住某人的脖子、使窒息或扼殺、壓制,如International sanctions were then throttling the country’s economy.(國際制裁使得該國當時的經濟發展受阻。) bootstrap:名詞,原指(長統靴的)拔靴帶,引申為指幾乎不靠他人協助,自立自強,常用於片語by one’s own bootstraps,如Despite many obstacles, she has pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.(儘管面臨重重險阻,她仍然靠自己闖出一片天。) hardscrabble:形容詞,指農地或土壤很貧瘠,或指很貧困的,如He lived a hardscrabble life.(他一生困頓。)

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UN says: why not eat more insects? 聯合國:為何不多吃昆蟲?

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Mali to give France new camel after first one is Eaten 馬利在第一隻駱駝被吃掉後要送法國一隻新的 ◎張沛元 Malian authorities will give French President Francois Hollande another camel after the one they gave him in thanks for helping repel Islamist rebels was killed and eaten by the family he left it with in Timbuktu, an official in Mali said. 馬利一名官員表示,馬利當局在他們為感謝法國協助擊退伊斯蘭叛軍,致贈法國總統歐蘭德的駱駝被歐蘭德委託照顧的廷巴克圖家庭宰殺吃掉後,決定再送給歐蘭德另一隻駱駝。 "As soon as we heard of this, we quickly replaced it with a bigger and better-looking camel," said the official, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media. 「我們一聽到這件事,便馬上以一隻更大、更漂亮的駱駝取而代之,」這名以未經授權向媒體發言、要求不要曝光的官員說。 "The new camel will be sent to Paris. We are ashamed of what happened to the camel. It was a present that did not deserve this fate." 「這隻新駱駝會被送到巴黎。(舊)駱駝發生的事令我們顏面無光。那是禮物,不該落得如此下場。」 Hollande was presented with the camel when he visited Mali in February several weeks after dispatching French troops to the former colony to help combat al Qaeda-linked fighters moving south from a base in the north of the country. 歐蘭德是在2月份造訪馬利時收到這份駱駝餽禮,時值(法國當局)派遣法軍前往馬利這個前法國殖民地,協助對抗與「開打」組織有關、從馬利北部一處基地南進的戰士的數週後。 The president joked at the time about using the camel to get around traffic-jammed Paris. But he chose in the end to leave it with a family in the town on the edge of the Sahara desert. 歐蘭德當時曾打趣說,他要騎這隻駱駝來避開巴黎的交通阻塞。但他最後選擇把駱駝留給位於撒哈拉沙漠邊緣的廷巴克圖鎮的一戶人家照料。 新聞辭典 leave someone/something with someone/something:慣用語,託付給人照顧。例句:Can I leave my kid with you while I shop?(我逛街時可以把孩子託付給你代為照顧嗎?) be ashamed of:慣用語,感到丟臉、不好意思。例句:She’s ashamed of her husband’s behavior.(她老公的行為讓她覺得丟臉。) get around someone or something:慣用語,繞過、避開。例句:Let’s get around to the back of the building.(我們繞到這棟建物的後面去吧。)

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《中英對照讀新聞》Thieves ’threw away’ John Paul II relic: reports 報導︰偷兒將若望保祿二世的聖髑「扔掉」

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《中英對照讀新聞》Night work throws body into chaos 夜晚工作讓身體陷入混亂

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《中英對照讀新聞》Cities debate replacing castle towers with original wooden versions 日本城市討論以原始木造建築取代天守閣

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《中英對照讀新聞》Spy scandal another blow to fretting US allies 苦惱的美國盟邦再遭監聽醜聞打擊

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《中英對照讀新聞》Israeli bill to outlaw the word Nazi sparks ire 以色列禁納粹字眼法案引發眾怒

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《中英對照讀新聞》Vet recommends medical marijuana for pets in pain 獸醫師建議給痛苦中的寵物藥用大麻

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