《中英對照讀新聞》Browser plug-in figuratively kills the word ’literally’ 瀏覽器外掛程式象徵性地殺掉literally這個字
A Mark Rothko painting vandalised at London’s Tate Modern gallery 18 months ago went back on public view on Tuesday after the first-ever effort to strip graffiti ink off a major artwork without damaging the layers of paintwork.
無敵翻譯 引用自 民視英語新聞 http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=652F58920051DBDD36EAC9924B494BA1
老習訪美國 中國國家主席習近平,今天飛抵加州,預定台北時間明天早上七點,首度以中國領導人身分,和美國總統歐巴馬會談。 由於這是一場非正式會晤,一般預料會談重點將落在找出中美未來雙方互動模式、建立互信基礎。至於台灣問題,習近平應該也會提及,歐巴馬可能會以重申台灣關係法做回應。 Obama-Xi Meeting (2013/06/07) Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in California and is scheduled to meet US President Barack Obama tomorrow morning at 7 o’clock, Taiwan time. It will be the first meeting between the two since Xi became president. Since this is an informal meeting, many expect discussions to focus on how to shape future relations. If Xi raises the Taiwan issue, Obama may reaffirm US commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act.
民視採訪圖 近年來,兩韓危機升高,民視一再展現國際新聞的權威,由經理胡婉玲率團隊,於天安艦事件後,全球第一家挺進北朝鮮。 採訪範圍除了大平壤地區之外,兩韓交界的38度線鄰近的開城、板門店軍事,絕境之美的金剛山,以及中朝邊境白頭山天池密營等。北朝鮮進入金正恩世代之後,民視更在六個月前,第二度挺進,成功的採訪到人民生活、農業。民視新聞在北朝鮮達成的採訪版圖,已是全球最完整、最權威的媒體。 FTV Covers North Korea (2013/06/07) Three years ago after the sinking of the South Korean Cheonan vessel, FTV’s Anne Hu was the first foreign reporter to enter North Korea. Besides visiting the Pyongyang metropolitan area, FTV went to Kaesong and Panmunjom, near the 38th parallel that roughly divides the North and South. It also traveled to beautiful natural areas such as Mt. Kumgang and Heaven Lake on Baekdu Mountain. Half a year ago after the start of the Kim Jong-un era, FTV entered North Korea a second time. On this visit, it interviewed city residents and farmers. The numerous places that FTV has visited makes it a world leader in covering this secretive, isolated nation.
養雞大遊行 為了防範H7N9疫情,農委會從五月十七號開始實施「禁宰活禽」政策,但配套措施不足,電宰場分布不均,這些日子以來,雞農、攤販苦哈哈,不但成本增加,拿到的雞肉也不新鮮,一個禮拜虧損將近1億元,為了表達心中的怒吼,全台雞農、攤販要在6月13號站出來,到農委會前遊行抗議! 雞農、雞肉攤販群聚一堂,就是要抗議,政府提早在5月17日上路的「禁宰活禽」政策,沒有完善的配套措施,尤其是電宰場分布不均的問嚴重。 [[嘉義土雞攤販 侯碧玲]] “送到我手上的雞肉,頭都黑了,敢拿出來賣給客人嗎? “ [[土雞攤販 方秀滿]] “電宰場送出去的雞,到我們的攤商,到消費者手上都是超過12個小時,基本上都是隔夜雞” 痛批政府圖利電宰財團,就算要防疫,也應該在各縣市或鄉鎮,設立"公有屠宰場"。 [[養雞協會土雞營運行銷組長 黃全成]] “我們真的沒辦法生存了,我們政府單位已經都靠攏財團了,那我們這些中小型的小農怎麼辦呢” 養雞協會拿出數據表示,以往每個禮拜可以賣150萬隻雞,現在只剩90萬,因此雞農、攤販大串連,6月13日要號召上萬人上街遊行,表達心中的怒吼。 Chicken farmers, vendors to demonstrate against new slaughter restrictions (2013/06/07) To prevent the spread of bird flu the government introduced new regulations last month limiting the slaughter of poultry to large slaughterhouses. In the time since vendors say they have trouble acquiring fresh product and sales are down. They plan to join farmers in a demonstration outside the Council of Agriculture on Thursday to urge the government to either improve its policy or lift the slaughter restrictions. Poultry farmers and vendors have united in protest. They are upset over a government policy introduced in the middle of last month that bans the slaughter of chickens and other poultry at traditional markets or using non-stunning equipment. They say the government did not introduce complementary plans to make the policy work, with the biggest problem being insufficient distribution of approved slaughterhouses. Hou Bi-ling Free Range Chicken Vendor The heads of the chickens they delivered to me had already turned black. I can’t sell that to consumers. Fang Hsiu-man Free Range Chicken Vendor It takes more than a dozen hours for the chicken to leave the slaughterhouse, arrive at our shop then be sold to customers. By then it’s day-old chicken. Some farmers and vendors accuse the government of favoring the owners of modern slaughterhouses. They say as part of its plan to prevent the spread of bird flu, the government should open modern public slaughterhouses in each locality. Huang Chuan-cheng Poultry Association Our livelihood is being threatened because our government favors large financial interests. There is nothing us small and mid-sized farmers can do. The Poultry Association says that in the past its members could sell 1.5 million chickens a week. Now they can only sell 900,000. To show their anger chicken farmers, vendors and supporters will gather on Thursday for a protest in the streets of Taipei.
藍綠搶北市 距離2014台北市長選戰,還有一年半,不過最近卻因為台大醫師柯文哲對參選台北市長的發言,而炒得火熱。藍營方面,連勝文依舊呼聲最高,民進黨內也有人選浮上檯面,立委許添財首度表態有參選意願。 [[台大醫院創傷醫學部主任 柯文哲]] “我沒有說我不選,但是我也沒有說我要選,我如果去選的話,也是台灣歷史上的奇蹟耶,一個人耶,沒有政黨沒有財團,我要是選得贏,台灣歷史就改觀了” 柯文哲一席話,讓明年的台北市長選舉話題提前熱了起來,被外界點名的對手,呼聲最高的就屬國民黨榮譽主席連戰之子連勝文。 [[北市經發會副總召 連勝文]] “我想我們順其自然,因為這種東西不是我們每天,作白日夢去想就會發生的事情,真正比較重要是要腳踏實地,把事情做好” 兩人對會不會選都賣關子,但志在台北市長寶座的藍綠陣營,其實大有人在。 [[立委(民) 許添財]] “我們盡量尊重黨的決定,如果說給我們機會,我個人是不會拒絕” [[立委(國) 丁守中]] “我從政的目標,就是改變台北都市風貌” 藍營還有立委蔡正元,也想更上層樓,綠營被點名的,也有鄭麗君、姚文智、段宜康。 Speculation underway for 2014 Taipei mayoral election (2013/06/05) Taipei residents won’t pick their next mayor for another year and a half, but speculation is already underway. Most attention is focused on a pair of very different candidates, one an accomplished surgeon with little political experience, the other a son of a former vice president who has never run for public office. Ko Wen-je NTU Hospital Intensive Care Chief I never said if I would run or not. If I run, it would be unheard of. Someone with no party and who is not part of a financial group running for mayor. If I won, it would change Taiwan’s historical viewpoint. These comments from Ko Wen-je sparked early speculation about next year’s race for mayor of Taipei. Another potential candidate receiving attention is Sean Lien, best known for being the son of KMT honorary chairman Lien Chan. Sean Lien Taipei Economic Development Commission I think we will just let matters play out as they may. These aren’t the types of things that we can daydream about then turn into reality. It’s most important that we have our feet firmly planted and do our jobs well. Neither will commit to running. But if they do, they will face fierce competition. Hsu Tain-tsair DPP Legislator We show complete respect for what the party decides. If given the chance, personally I would have to accept it. Ting Shou-chung KMT Legislator My main political goal is to change the urban image of Taipei. Other possible contenders include the KMT’s Alex Tsai as well as the DPP’s Cheng Li-chiun, Pasuya Yao and Duan Yi-kang.
清標不能選 會計法修正讓前立委顏清標解套,最晚六月十三日凌晨就能出獄,但出獄後的顏清標能不能再選舉,內政部今天邀集相關部會開會,認定顏清標是免除刑罰,不是免罪,依據公職人員選罷法規定,只要曾因為貪污罪判刑確定者,就不能登記參選公職。 立法院休會前送出會計法修正案,幫喝花酒報公帳的顏清標解套,依照時程,法案送出立法院後十天內,行政院依照目前想法沒提覆議,就得公告,最晚六月十三日,顏清標就能出獄。 只是出獄後的顏清標,還能不能為自己喊凍蒜?內政部快速邀集相關部會開會,認定顏清標雖然免去刑罰,但並沒有除罪。 [[內政部政務次長 蕭家淇]] “因其確定判決所宣告之(貪污)罪刑,仍然有效存在,尚不得登記為公職候選人” 雖然修正法案當時也經過綠營同意,不過民進黨主席認為應該加入民代不得公款私用的條文。 [[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]] “民進黨今天決議,要求我們黨團在臨時會的時候,進行修法的提案” 只是等到13日臨時會召開,顏清標已經出獄,即使完成修法,恐怕也已經緩不 濟急。 MOI says convicted KMT legislator not eligible to run for office (2013/06/05) A powerful pan blue figure serving time for corruption will soon be free due to a legislative amendment. But Yen Ching-piao may have trouble running for office again. The Ministry of the Interior said on Wednesday that the amendment expunges Yen’s sentence but not his criminal record. Because he was convicted of graft in a final ruling, he is not allowed to run for office. On the final day before recess last week, lawmakers pushed through an amendment to the Accounting Act. One of their main goals was to set free a former KMT lawmaker, Yen Ching-piao, who is serving time after using public funds to frequent hostess bars. Unless the Cabinet asks for a review, which it does not plan on doing, this amendment takes effect within 10 working days. That would mean Yen would walk no later than next Thursday. So will this convicted criminal be able to run for public office again? The Ministry of the Interior held a meeting to discuss the issue. It says the amendment frees Yen of the need to serve time in prison but does not exonerate him of guilt. Hsiao Chia-chi Deputy Minister of the Interior The final verdict was given, so his conviction stands. He cannot run for public office. The amendment passed with the blessing of the DPP caucus. But now the DPP party chairman says it’s wrong for elected officials to use public money for personal pleasure. Su Tseng-chang DPP Chairman The DPP reached a resolution today. We will ask our caucus to propose an amendment during an extraordinary meeting. The extraordinary meeting won’t happen until next Thursday. Before any new amendment could take effect, Yen will be a free man.
局長隱澱粉 向來注重食品安全的主婦聯盟,五月中將35項產品,全部送驗,沒想到卻發現,烏龍麵、湯圓等五項產品,都有廠商提供的合格證明,還是被驗出有順丁烯二酸,主婦聯盟批評,不知道要相信誰,批評政府沒把關。 拿出厚厚一疊的檢驗報告,主婦聯盟理事主席火氣很大,因為合作社賣的澱粉產品,廠商都有合格的檢驗證明,為求謹慎,主婦聯盟把其中35項送驗,卻發現冷凍烏龍麵、紅心粉圓、湯圓,鼓汁排骨、豆花凝固劑,共五項食品含有順丁烯二酸[。 [[主婦聯盟理事主席 黃淑德]] “檢驗報告如果出來,還有檢驗結果相抵觸的時候,請問要相信哪一份” 主婦聯盟也向政府喊話,好好做好食品把關。 [[主婦聯盟理事主席 黃淑德]] “請政府作一個事情,請向上游廠商去查” 食的安全層出不窮,而今天出刊壹週刊報導,早在農曆年前,就檢驗出毒澱粉,卻隱匿了整整三個月。 [[食品藥物管理局長 康照洲]] “一開始調查的時候,測試了74種產品,中間找到5個違規產品,一直到五月初,就掌握了5個產品的所有經銷商,由我跟署長報告後,立即發布新聞,我們絕對沒有故意隱匿案情” 毒澱粉全台延燒,民眾不只食不安心,更對政府的把關能力,畫上大問號。 Food safety certifications called into question (2013/06/05) A local homemakers association commissioned tests on products offered through its co-op and found that many contained tainted starch. This despite the fact that each of the products came with food safety certification from the supplier. Displaying this thick stack of food safety reports, the director of the Homemakers United Foundation is visibly upset. The foundation sent 35 products sold by its co-op in for testing. Each of the products contains starch and had a safety inspection certificate from the supplier, but five foods came back positive for maleic acid, an unapproved additive. They included frozen udon noodles, red tapioca balls, sweet rice dumplings, steamed pork ribs and tofu pudding. Huang Shu-teh Homemakers United Foundation Director If the laboratory inspection report conflicts with other test reports, then which would you trust? The foundation urged the government to pay more attention to food safety. Huang Shu-teh Homemakers United Foundation Director I ask the government to investigate upstream vendors. Even more concerns about food safety may arise. Next Magazine’s latest issue claims the government knew about the tainted starch scandal as early as Lunar New Year, though it chose to cover up the scandal for a full three months. Kang Jaw-jou Food and Drug Administration In the beginning we tested 74 kinds of products and found five that violated standards. By the start of May we determined all distributors of these products and I reported the incident to the minister. We then immediately released the news. We never deliberately tried to conceal any information. The accusations are making it harder for the public to believe that the government can ensure the nation’s food supply is safe.
虛報糙米級 消基會抽查,市面上的「糙米」發現,有6成以上的業者,不但標示不明,而且虛報糙米等級,但最誇張的是,花蓮富里鄉農會生產的,「富麗有機糙米」被驗出,含有微量的殺蟲劑農藥「加保利」,對此農會感到相當抱歉,已經在第一時間要求廠商全面下架! 第一時間,富里鄉農會把市面上的富麗糙米通通下架,因為這款糙米,標榜「有機」,卻被消基會驗出含有微量的殺蟲劑「加保利」。 [[花蓮富里鄉農會推廣股股長 林輝煌]] 我們已經追查到,是哪位農民使用的,我們在近期內會召開班會,要將這個農民除名,針對這樣的事情,我們農會真的深感抱歉 這次會出那麼大的毗漏,全是因為之前生產糙米,都是採取抽驗,因此農會強調,未來會全面檢測,做好安全把關。 除了農藥問題,消基會這回還抽查市面上20包糙米,卻發現有6成以上的業者,虛報糙米等級。 [[民眾]] “危害人體的健康啊,會覺得受騙這樣子” 這回消基會檢測的結果, 業者灌水澎風, 甚至使用農藥, 難怪消費者難以接受。 Pesticide found in organic brown rice (2013/06/05) The Consumers’ Foundation detected pesticide traces in a popular brand of brown rice labeled as organic. The manufacturer blamed an upstream supplier and say it has taken steps to prevent future problems. Upon learning this new food scandal, Fuli Township Farmers’ Association pulled all of its Fuli brown rice off the shelves. The rice was advertised as being "organic", though the Consumers' Foundation found it to contain traces of the pesticide carbaryl. Lin Hui-huang Fuli Township Farmers' Association We have found the farmer who used it and will soon have a meeting and remove him from our group. We truly want to apologize for this incident. The farmers’ association says it previously tested rice at random. To prevent a repeat, in the future it plans to test all of its brown rice. The Consumers' Foundation also tested 20 brands of brown rice and found that more than 60 percent falsely stated the grade. “They are endangering health. I feel lied to.” Revelations of falsifying rice grade and using pesticides in organic products have yet again given Taiwanese consumers reason to question food safety.
電價漲定了 夏月電價上路,十月份第二波電價調漲緊跟在後。
奢侈打房仲 奢侈稅上路滿兩週年,傳出財政部主張"只修不廢"。 不過,不動產仲介全聯會理事長李同榮警告,倘若奢侈稅再延長,恐掀起一波房仲失業潮。因為過去短短一年,全台有五百家房仲關店,上萬名房仲被迫減薪、失業。 Luxury Tax May Stay (2013/06/05) After two years of the luxury tax, the Ministry of Finance is considering revisions rather than scrapping the tax entirely. But the chairman of the Chinese Association of Real Estate Brokers, Lee Tong-rong, warns that if the tax continues, it would set off another wave of unemployment. Lee says in the past year, 500 realtors have closed shop and 10,000 agents have seen their salaries cut or lost their jobs.
腸病毒警報 天氣愈來愈熱,腸病毒疫情也逐漸升溫,疾管局表示,光是上個禮拜,全國腸病毒急診加上門診人數超過三萬人,這次流行的克沙奇A6型腸病毒,水泡比起其他型腸病毒大上6到10倍,而且一顆水泡裡面就有上萬株病毒,小朋友抓破後很有可能繼續傳染給別人。 腸病毒進入高峰期,疾病管制局統計,上周每天平均有三百一十人因感染腸病毒送醫急診,急診就醫率攀上近七年同期最高,不但小孩容易被感染,大人也要提高警覺。 [[台大醫院小兒科副教授 李秉穎]] “大人並不是說不會得到,腸病毒感染成人的機會,可能是千分之一萬分之一,但是並不是零” 這次流行的腸病毒是克沙奇A6型,傳染途徑是糞口,飛沫和接觸。特別提醒的是,克沙奇A6型腸病毒所引起的水泡,會比其他型的腸病毒水泡大上6到10倍,抓破後很容易繼續傳染給別人。 [[台大醫院小兒科副教授 李秉穎]] “就是跟病人比較近距離接觸的時候,有可能會發生飛沫傳染,另外就是如果病人的分泌物沾染到玩具沾染到家具,那你手去摸到的時候,也會發生間接的接觸傳染” 醫師表示,多洗手及環境的清潔,非常重要。 Doctors say enterovirus now in peak season (2013/06/05) Increasing temperatures have led to an increase in enterovirus cases. Health officials warn that an unusually high number of people are seeking treatment for the disease this year. Proof that enterovirus is entering its peak transmission period can be found in emergency rooms. The Centers for Disease Control says that last week there was an average of more than 300 visits daily to the ER for treatment, a seven-year high for this time of year. Many people believe the disease is limited to children, but doctors say that is not the case. Lee Ping-ing National Taiwan University Hospital It’s wrong to say adults are not immune to this disease. The chance of infection is likely one in a thousand or one in 10,000. The year’s most common enterovirus is coxsackievirus A6, with the mode of transmission being a fecal-oral route, droplets or direct contact. A special characteristic is the coxsackievirus A6 causes blisters that are 6-10 times larger than typical enterovirus blisters. If the blisters break the virus can easily be spread. Lee Ping-ing National Taiwan University Hospital Close contact with a sick individual could lead to infection by droplets. Another form of transmission is if a patient's secretions contaminate toys or furniture, which can lead to transmission by indirect touching. Doctors say the best way to avoid the virus is through frequent hand washing and maintaining a sanitary environment.
舉牌小人夯 有一位留學英國的字體設計師,打造出各式各樣, 穿著打扮的舉牌人物,只要在軟體中,打上你想說的話,這些小人偶就會自動幫你舉牌,還可以PO在臉書上跟朋友分享,上線才一個多禮拜,就吸引超過30萬網友來玩。 拿支筆在手繪本上隨手一畫,一隻舉牌小人就完成了。最近在網路爆紅的舉牌小人設計師就是他,現年31歲的李翰,畢業於英國聖馬汀大學平面設計系,自己開設計公司已經兩年。 [[舉牌小人設計師 李翰]] “就可以打一些想要講的事情,做完之後可以直接這樣子,按Download的話,就是下載到這個網站上,也可以直接把它上傳到你的Facebook的頁面上” 上線才一個多禮拜,用量就破30萬人次,連藝人羅志祥和高雄市長陳菊都有玩。 設計師李翰原本是從事字體設計,無意間用自己的創意畫出了這些排隊小人,而且他還不定期推出一些限定版。 [[舉牌小人設計師 李翰]] “這個週末,我們會把整個小人全部換裝,換成畢業典禮的學士服,那就是獻給那個台灣所有的畢業生,給他們一個祝福” 有許多網友發揮自己的創意發明新玩法,例如用符號拼成一個讚,或是變換舉牌上的中文字體。李翰目前畫出的小人有40多隻,聽說下個禮拜端午節還會有屈原幫忙舉牌。 Website lets visitors design custom messages to post on Facebook (2013/06/05) Cartoon characters who hold up messages are taking the online world by storm. They are the creation of a local designer by the name of Han Lee. It doesn’t take long for this designer to create a cartoon character. He is Han Lee, creator of the popular internet site Haniboi.com, which features cartoon characters holding up sign placards. The 31-year-old is a graduate of St. Martin's College Graphic Design Department and two years ago opened his own design firm. Han Lee Designer You can type out what you want to say then directly download the image from the website. You can post it to your Facebook page. His website went online just over a week ago, but Lee has already amassed 300,000 hits. Visitors include singer Show Luo and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu. Lee was originally interested in font design and soon took an interest in designing these cartoon characters. He also does limited edition work. Han Lee Designer This weekend we will dress these characters in special graduation costumes to give Taiwan students extra blessings and best wishes. Some have used the characters to create a “like” message, and others changed the font of the signs. Lee has already drawn 40 of the characters and has promised new designs for next week’s Dragon Boat Festival.
93歲好年輕 多數人都很注重自己的外表,不過根據日本的研究,外表看起來越年輕的人,血管的年齡也越年輕。換句話說,你看起來越年輕,身體應該就越健康。這是為什麼呢?帶您來看以下這則報導。 日本愛媛大學醫學部的附屬醫院近來研究發現,外表的年紀,可以當做血管年齡的判斷依據。他們找來了一名年長女性做實驗,結果十分驚人。 [[愛媛大學醫學部醫師]] “您的外表看上去是67歲,沒錯吧,因為您看起來很年輕” 今年高齡93歲的她,血管年齡只有71歲。也就是說,外表越年輕,血管也就越年輕。 [[愛媛大學醫學部醫師 伊賀瀨道也]] “歐美的研究也顯示,外表越老的人越短命” 外表和血管的年紀會有關係,在於這一種"糖化終產物AGE"老化物質,是體內多餘的糖份和蛋白質結合的物質,它會讓原本柔軟的蛋白質凝固,變成咖啡色的硬塊。臉部和血管的蛋白質如果凝固,肌膚和血管就跟著失去彈性,加速外表和身體的老化。 因此,降低血糖值是抗老的關鍵。多攝取膳食纖維、多鍛鍊大腿的肌肉、飯後做有氧運動,都可以幫助消耗糖分 Research suggests that appearance gives insight into health (2013/06/05) Japanese researchers say that outer appearance is a reflection of inner health. They cite a group of chemicals known as AGEs which are thought to have similar effects on the skin and circulatory systems. Researchers at Ehime School of Medicine tested their hypothesis on this woman. They predicted that by guessing the age of the woman based on her appearance, they could determine the condition of her blood vessels. Igase Michiya Ehime School of Medicine You look really young, like you’re 67. The woman is actually 93, but doctors say her blood vessels resemble those of someone who is more like 71. The researchers say this subject provides further evidence of their theory. Igase Michiya Ehime School of Medicine Western research also shows that people who look older than their real age tend to die younger. The researchers say that a group of chemicals known as AGEs could play a role. These chemicals are the end result of glycation and can cause protein fibers to stiffen, even turning them into brown globs. When proteins become deformed like this, they cause the skin and blood vessels to likewise become rigid. This causes the body to age, internally and externally. Glycation, and therefore the aging process, can be controlled by reducing sugar intake. Doctors also recommend a diet high in dietary fiber combined with exercise.
建民戰白襪 睽違八個月,王建民今天重返大聯盟,他在客場先發出戰白襪隊,主投7.1局,被擊出10支安打,其中包括兩發全壘打,總計失掉5分,王建民最後勝敗無關,最快球速投到93英哩,也一度化解滿壘無人出局的大危機,最後藍鳥在延長賽第10局,以7比5逆轉擊敗白襪。 穿上67號的藍鳥球衣,王建民重回大聯盟 ,第一局他讓白襪三上三下。 王建民前三局清一色,幾乎都是伸卡球,二局下半擋不住Dunn,雖然挨轟失分, 不過王建民還是投出,今年第一次三振結束第二局。 前三局一帆風順,第四局王建民遇上大亂流,最傷的是這支3分砲。 第五局還是沒人出局滿壘,王建民改變配球。 先用滑球三振四棒Konerko,接下來更恐怖的Dunn,王建民不能閃躲卻有好結果。 成功化解滿壘危機,王建民也柳暗花明,最後10名打者他解決9人,總計主投7.1局用93球被擊出10支安打失5分,演出3次三振,雖然是落後退場,但是給了藍鳥贏球的機會,九局上半Bautista的全壘打. 這支全壘打讓王建民,和勝敗無關,藍鳥在延長賽十局上半,連得2分,7比5擊敗白襪,中止2連敗。 Wang struggles, but earns another start (2013/06/12) Wang Chien-ming made his return to the major leagues today, this time in a Toronto Blue Jays uniform. At times the Taiwanese righty struggled, particularly in a four-run fourth. But Wang regrouped to pitch 7 and one-thirds innings, which was good enough for the Blue Jays to announce that he’ll get another start. Wearing number 67 for the Blue Jays, Wang Chien-ming made his return to the big leagues. His first inning went smoothly, retiring the first three White Sox in order. Early on Wang relied almost exclusively on his sinkerball. It didn’t fool Adam Dunn, who took Wang deep in the bottom half of the second inning. Wang regrouped and got his first strikeout out of the year to end the inning. Wang pitched smoothly through the first three innings, but in the fourth inning things would begin to unravel. First he gave up this three-run home run. In the fifth inning Wang faced a bases loaded situation with no outs, forcing him to change pitch selection. Wang used a slider to strike out the number four hitter, Paul Konerko. Wang faced a big challenge when Dunn stepped to the plate next, but he got the slugger to hit into a double play. After escaping this bases loaded situation, Wang’s confidence grew. He would retire nine out of the last 10 batters he faced, pitching for a total of 7 and one-thirds innings. Wang tossed 93 pitches, giving up 10 hits and five runs while tallying three strikeouts. Although he exited the game with the Blue Jays behind his teammates would rally, tying the game when Jose Bautista hit this home run in the top of the ninth. Bautista’s blast would aid Wang, allowing him to earn a no-decision. It also sent the game into extra innings, with the Blue Jays tacking on two runs in the 10th and winning by a score of 7 to 5. The win ended the Blue Jays two-game losing streak.
建民談表現 王建民重回大聯盟首場先發,雖然無關勝敗,但7.1局好投最後順利幫助球隊贏球,賽後王建民接受訪問時表示,這一次復出心情跟第一次上大聯盟不一樣,現在只想把握機會投好每一場球,對於藍鳥總教練肯定,給他下一場先發機會,王建民說很開心。 再次得到機會,重新站上大聯盟,王建民表示仍會緊張。而面對四局海灌4分,也給他重傷害。 [[藍鳥隊投手 王建民]] “當然是想要先冷靜下來,再處理下一個打者,就是一個一個打者弄出局,到後來可能就比較好,因為多配了一些指叉球,變化球之類的” 雖然被敲10支安打失五分,但王建民還是達成教練團下達的撐長局數任務。 [[藍鳥總教練 吉本斯John Gibbons]] “我覺得他表現得真的很好, 當他開始搭配變化球種的時候,他在比賽中越投越好,他在比賽一開始就只投伸卡球,第一場先發這樣的內容實在相當好,尤其他拯救了牛棚,讓我們後援投手群獲得充分休息” 王建民的下一場比賽,將於台北時間17號凌晨三點出戰德州遊騎兵。 Blue Jays manager likes what he sees from Wang Chien-ming (2013/06/12) Blue Jays Manager John Gibbons says he’s happy with Wang’s outing, especially with his performance late. By pitching into the seventh inning, Wang was able to give the Blue Jays beleaguered bullpen a chance to rest. In his latest comeback attempt, Wang Chien-ming said he was nervous. He felt especially rough after giving up four runs in the fourth inning. Wang Chien-ming Blue Jays Pitcher Of course I needed to calm down then handle the next batter. I just had to get them out, one after another. Later it got better when I added some forkballs and breaking balls. Wang struggled, giving up 10 hits and five runs. But he did fulfill one responsibility by lasting deep into the game. John Gibbons Blue Jays Manager You know I thought he did a great job. He really did. You know, he started pitching really well when he started using his breaking ball. You know, earlier in the game, he was basically just a one pitch guy. For the first time here I thought he did a tremendous job. And what’s big too is he saved our bullpen. They’re beat up down there, and he gave us a great effort. It’s good to have him. Wang’s next start will be against the Texas Rangers on Monday at 3am, Taiwan time.
酒駕加重罰 馬英九總統,昨天公布刑法修正條文,駕駛人呼氣,酒精濃度達每公升0.15毫克就會開罰,達0.25毫克涉及公共危險罪移送法辦,台灣酒駕新制取締標準和日本並列,成為全球最嚴格,換算飲酒量,平均喝3-4瓶鋁罐裝啤酒,就可能超過0.25。 炎炎夏日,大口喝下啤酒好清涼,但駕駛人得當心,只要喝兩瓶罐裝啤酒,酒測值立刻破表。 13日凌晨零時起,酒駕取締標準變得更嚴格。 [[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]] “原先的公共危險罪,從酒測值0.55修正,下降為0.25,就是要移送法辦,那原先的行政罰,從0.25降低為0.15就直接開罰” 根據現行裁罰標準,一般駕駛,酒測每公升0.25毫克以上才開罰,13日起,只要呼氣酒精濃度達0.15毫克就會被取締,罰金從1萬5千元,到最重9萬元,至於危險駕駛部分,原酒測0.55毫克才會移送法辦,新制降為0.25毫克,最重面臨兩年以下徒刑。 [[台北市交大副大隊長 林基田]] “因為酒駕對國人所造成嚴重影響,所以這次的修法趨向特別嚴格” 警政署12日起,全國同步擴大取締酒駕,並且持續每月兩次大執法。 New rules could mean fines for drivers who drink as little as two cans of beer (2013/06/12) Taiwan is enacting what the government calls the world’s toughest standards for alcohol levels while driving. The strict new regulations, which take effect Thursday, will lead to fines for drivers who are caught with a breath alcohol content of as little as 0.25 milligrams per liter, or a blood alcohol content of 0.05 percent. Many people enjoy drinking cool beer on hot summer days. But beware. Just two cans could put drinkers close to the legal limit for driving. From Thursday stricter drink driving standards will go into effect. Lin Ji-tian Taipei Traffic Division The revised Offenses Against Public Safety means drivers will be subject to prosecution if their breath alcohol content is 0.25 milligrams per liter. This is lower than the original 0.55 milligrams per liter. Administrative penalties will begin even lower, at 0.15 milligrams per liter instead of the original 0.25 milligrams per liter. Currently fines begin at 0.25 milligrams per liter. From Thursday this threshold falls to 0.15, with fines ranging from NT$15,000 to NT$90,000. Also drivers will find themselves in violation of the Offenses Against Public Safety if their breath alcohol content is 0.25 milligrams per liter, instead of the current 0.55. The punishment is up to two years in prison. Lin Ji-tian Taipei Traffic Division Drink driving has a major impact on us, so we wanted these revisions to be strict. The National Police Agency launched a nationwide crackdown Wednesday, and plans to continue taking to the streets for large-scale enforcements twice a month.