《中英對照讀新聞》Pakistani Taliban chief killed in drone strike 巴基斯坦神學士組織首腦遭無人機擊斃


The head of the Pakistani Taliban was killed by a U.S. drone strike on Friday, security and Taliban sources said.


Hakimullah Mehsud was one of the most wanted and feared men in Pakistan with a $5 million U.S. bounty on his head, leading an insurgency from a mountain hideout in North Waziristan, the Taliban’s stronghold on the Afghan frontier.


"We confirm with great sorrow that our esteemed leader was martyred in a drone attack," a senior Taliban commander said.


In Washington, two U.S. officials confirmed Mehsud’s death in a CIA drone strike. They spoke on condition of anonymity.


At the White House, a spokeswoman said officials had seen the reports Mehsud may have been killed in Pakistan. "We are not in a position to confirm those reports, but if true, this would be a serious loss" for the Pakistan Taliban, Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the National Security Council, said in a statement.


The killing of Mehsud was the latest setback for the Pakistani Taliban, a group aligned with its Afghan namesakes and which has staged attacks against Pakistani armed forces and civilians in its fight to topple the government. (Reuters)



bounty:名詞,賞金、贈款。例:bounty hunter(賞金獵人)。

esteem:動詞,尊敬、尊重。例句:He is esteemed for his integrity.(他因正直受人尊敬。)

topple:動詞,推翻、倒塌。例句:The building is going to topple down.(這棟建築快倒塌了。)


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