《中英對照讀新聞》Qatar leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of sporting success 卡達竭盡全力追求體育成功


Increasingly under the international spotlight after earning the right to host the 2022 World Cup, Qatar is leaving no stone unturned in its quest to become a sporting super-power.



With a population of around 2 million people, of which only 300,000 are Qatari nationals, outnumbered approximately six-to-one by foreign workers, Qatar certainly does not have the kind of wide pool from which to pick and choose talent that countries such as China or the US enjoy.


Yet just as Qatar has proved keen to recruit foreign nationals to boost its sporting teams, so too has the emirate scouted the world to find the best people in a raft of pursuits outside the direct sporting sphere but related to it that could help enhance its competitive ambitions.


Whether doctors, coaches, strategists or specialists in any number of walks of life, Qatar has attracted them to the blazing heat of the desert to take part in the most ambitious of sporting projects. (AFP)



leave no stone unturned:片語,指竭盡所能,千方百計,如Their lawyer said that he would leave no stone unturned in trying to find more evidence.(他們的律師表示他會竭盡所能地試著找出更多證據。)

pool:名詞,指共同資金、共用物、可供利用的人或事物,如The team has a pool of talent waiting in the minor leagues.(這支球隊在小聯盟擁有一批可用的新秀。)

raft:名詞,指大量的人或事物,如She has a raft of political supporters.(她擁有大批政壇支持者。)


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