Ang LeeBridging East and West through Film

Even more importantly, Fine Line attracted the attention of William Morris, the world’s largest talentagency.  Lee had been planning to return to Taiwan, but a call from the agency convinced him to stay in New York. Yet even with William Morris as his agent, his poor English made it difficult to find producers for his film projects. So Lee spent the next six years as a stay-at-home dad while his wife Jane, a microbiologist he met at university, worked to support the family. Lee never gave up on his filmmaking dreams, however, and his opportunity finally came when two of his screenplays won first and second place in acontestsponsored by Taiwan’s Government Information Office.



With the support of Taiwan’s largest movie studio, Lee was able to turn both screenplays into feature motion pictures: Pushing Hands (1992) and The Wedding Banquet (1993). Both films—the first about a tai chi master who retires to New York to live with his son and American daughter-in-law, the second about a gay Taiwanese-American who marries a Chinese woman to please his parents—explore the conflicts that occur when different cultures and generations clash. While Pushing Hands was a big hit in Taiwan, The Wedding Banquet was an international success, winning a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. Lee’s next movie, Eat Drink Man Woman (1994), a story about a retired Taipei chef and his three daughters that further explores the themes of his first two films, was an even greater success. The film won Best Foreign Language Film nominations for both the Golden Globe and Academy Awards, giving him the momentum he needed to break intoHollywood.



Vocabulary Bank
agency  n. 代理商    n. agent代理人
Which travel agency did you book your tour with?
contest  n. 競賽,競爭
Danny won second place in the speech contest.
retire  v. 退休
We plan on moving to Florida after we retire.
explore  v. 探索,探究,瞭解
You should explore your options before you choose a major.
theme  n.主題,議題
What is the theme of your essay?
nomination  n. 提名
The actress has received many Oscar nominations.
momentum  n. 氣勢,動力
The politician’s campaign is gaining momentum.
break into  phr. 進入(演藝圈等難進入的行業)
Many young actors hope to break into the movies.
microbiologist  n.微生物學家   n. microbiology
A group of microbiologists has discovered a new type of virus.
hit  n.成功、受歡迎的事物
The clown was a big hit at Timmy’s birthday party



文章出處:《歷史名人堂Hall of Fame:EZ TALK總編嚴選閱讀特刊》



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