Popular Foods and Drinks


Many Taiwanese dishes are similar to the ones that come from China, though most have a unique Taiwanese flavor. These include various snacks like mung bean cakes, peanuts, and tea eggs.




One of the most popular foods among tourists is “steameddumplings.” Steamed dumplings come from eastern China. They’re also called tangbao or “soup dumplings” because of their juicystuffing, made of pork, green onion, and ginger. Restaurants serving steamed dumplings often also offer other Chinese dishes like sour and spicy soup, chicken soup, steamed stuffed buns, fried rice, and so on.




Taiwanese people enjoy having food at local beerhouses. Stir-fried clams (with chili pepper and basil), three-cup chicken (made with a sauce of sesame oil, rice wine, and soy sauce), grilled fish, grilled squid, stir-fried vegetables, and deep-fried tofu are common dishes on the menu. When people get off work, they usually get together with friends or colleagues at such restaurants to eat fried food and snacks, and drink mugs of cold beer!




Taiwanese people also love their drinks. Taiwan has an environment that is good for tea growing. Therefore, Taiwan’s tea products are of very high quality. When it comes to tea, they enjoy drinking Chinese green tea or oolong tea without milk or sugar. Oolong tea is probably the most popular tea in Taiwan. The two renowned Taiwanese teas are Dongding oolong tea and Baozhong tea. Taiwanese people will often have tea after their meals or with snacks. The island is full ofteahouses where you can relax and enjoy anything from a hot pot of oolong tea to a glass of iced black tea with lemon. Maokong in Taipei is well known for its numerous teahouses. They’re always crowded with local people and visitors on weekends.









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