Okinawa: Japan’s Tropical Paradise
Floating in the East China Sea like volcanic jewels are the islands of Okinawa, made up of the Ryukyu Islands. It was not until 1609 that Okinawa became part of Japan. People had been living on the islands long before that though, as bones show that humans were possibly living in Okinawa during prehistoric times. Before the Japanese arrived, the Kingdom of Ryukyu had been intact since 1429, when the three kingdoms of Okinawa unified. During this time, a number of families moved there from China, as the Ryukyu paid tribute to China for hundreds of years. Because of these circumstances, Okinawa developed a distinctly unique culture, despite later being subordinate5 to Japan.
沖繩群島由琉球諸島所組成,漂浮於東海,彷彿是由火山所串成的珠寶。直到西元 1609 年,沖繩才成為日本國土的一部分。然而,早在此之前島上就已經有人居住,因為島上遺骸證明在史前時代,沖繩可能已有人類居住。自西元1429 年沖繩島上的三大勢力統一後,琉球王國在日本人登陸前一直保持完整。在這個時期,一些家族從中國遷居至此,因為數百年來,琉球王國都有向中國進貢。受到這些因素的影響,雖然沖繩後來隸屬於日本,卻發展出獨特的文化。
There are several Okinawa languages still spoken, especially by older people, and some of the traditional characteristics have been preserved. One of Okinawa’s most famous cultural legacies is the martial art karate. There is also a wealth of folk music and dance that is unlike that found on mainland Japan. Tourists flock to Okinawa for its tropical weather, splendid beaches, and distinguished scenic spots. A volcanic island chain, the islands are close to coral reefs, boasting sea turtles and innumerable other marine animals. Most of the year, Okinawa is rainy and humid, and temperatures vary between 30 degrees and 13 degrees from summer to winter.
有數種沖繩語言仍然有人在講,尤其是年長者,而沖繩的一些傳統特色至今依舊留存著。其中一項最著名的文化遺產就是沖繩的空手道武術。島上還有大量的民族歌謠和舞蹈,不同於在日本本島所發現的歌謠和舞蹈。因為沖繩的熱帶氣候、瑰麗海灘及著名景點,旅客蜂擁至此地。沖繩群島為一長串火山島鏈,靠近珊瑚礁,以海龜及其他無數的海洋生物而自豪。一年當中,沖繩幾乎都是潮濕多雨,從夏天到冬天溫度變化在攝氏 30 度到 13 度之間。
Tourists are entranced by Okinawa for a number of reasons, including its heritage and mix of cultures. It is rich in relics and architecture, from old temples to Shuri Castle. The latter was built about 700 years ago when the King Sho Hashi reigned over Ryukyu Kingdom. The castle, with its unmistakable red and white design, became his residence. It remained the center of the royal family in Okinawa for another 450 years. From the halls of Shuri, they controlled all the kingdom’s trade, politics, and economy. During World War II, Japanese forces set up a base under the castle, which was later bombarded for three days by the US Navy. The castle was burned but it was rebuilt with the great effort of the local government after the war.
沖繩之所以吸引遊客的原因有很多,包括它的遺產和多種文化的融合。沖繩充滿了遺跡和建築物,像是古老的寺廟和首里城。首里城是距今 700 年前所建,當時是由尚巴志國王統治琉球王國。這座獨特的紅白設計城堡,成為了他的住所。首里城在接下來的 450 年一直是王室重地。在首里城的大殿上,王室統治了整個王國的貿易、政治和經濟。在第二次世界大戰期間,日本軍隊在城堡底下建立基地,之後城堡被美國海軍轟炸三天。城堡因而被燒毀,但在戰爭後當地政府盡力重建城堡。
Okinawa is also home to the world’s largest fish tank at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. The Kuroshio Sea Tank is so gigantic that it can hold up to four whale sharks, which can grow to 12 meters long, and giant manta rays, which have been bred there. Visitors are safe to view these marvelous animals from behind a giant pane of glass that’s built 60 centimeters thick to ward off water pressure and prevent collapse.
沖繩也擁有世界上最大的水族槽,就位在沖繩美麗海水族館裡。這個名為「黑潮之海」的水槽大到可以容納四條 12 公尺長的鯨鯊,並有巨大的魟魚飼養在其中。旅客可以安全地隔著一片巨大的玻璃來觀賞這些奇妙的生物,因為這片玻璃厚達 60 公分,可以阻擋水壓並防止水槽崩塌。
The Eisa Festival also beckons throngs of visitors to the islands each year. Cities in Okinawa form their own teams to compete in song and dance that combines both traditional and contemporary motifs. With so much to see on these numerous tropical islands, it’s little wonder that Okinawa continues to fascinate adventurers and travelers from all corners of the world.
intact adj. 完整無缺的;未受損傷的
Fred dropped his glasses on the ground, but they were still intact.
unify v. 統一;使成一體
The general did his best to unify the split army.
tribute n. 貢品;敬意
The king paid tribute to the neighboring kingdom in exchange for military protection.
distinctly adv. 清楚地;明顯地
Black swans are distinctly visible when swimming next to white swans.
subordinate adj. 隸屬的 & n. 部屬
Kevin is subordinate to Linda and must meet her demands.
characteristic n. 特徵,特色 & adj. 有……特色的
A tiger’s most unique characteristic is its black stripes.
preserve vt. 保存;保藏;維護
Scientists preserved the Egyptian mummy by putting it in a cold room.
legacy n. 遺產;遺留之物
Herbal medicine is one of the precious cultural legacies from our ancestors.
splendid adj. 壯麗的;輝煌的;極佳的
Gatsby threw a splendid party at which all his friends had a good time.
distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的
Van Gogh was a distinguished artist who is still admired today.
boast v. 以有……而自豪;自誇
The fancy hotel boasts two restaurants, a spa, and a ballroom.
entrance vt. 使入迷 & n. 入口
The magician entranced his audience with a number of magic tricks.
heritage n. 遺產
The government should make greater efforts to preserve our cultural heritage.
relic n. 遺物;遺跡;遺俗
Archaeologists spend most of their careers looking for ancient relics.
reign vi. 統治;支配;盛行
King Henry VIII reigned over England in the 16th century.
亨利八世在 16 世紀時統治英國。
residence n. 居住;住所
His residence was the grandest house on the whole street.
gigantic adj. 巨大的,龐大的
The Titanic was a gigantic cruise ship that struck an iceberg and sank.
breed v. 飼養;養育;造成 (breed / bred / bred)
Many wealthy Americans enjoy breeding horses to ride and sell.
ward off 擋開;避開
The necklace is said to help ward off evil spirits.
beckon v. 吸引;(招手)示意;召喚
The delicious cake beckoned Veronica to take one more bite.
fascinate vt. 使著迷
fascinating adj. 迷人的
fascination n. 迷戀;魅力
Italy’s food and rich history fascinate travelers visiting the country.
a number of 一些
circumstance n. 情形;境遇
martial art karate 空手道武術
a wealth of 大量的
scenic spot 風景區
coral reef 珊瑚礁
innumerable adj. 無數的,數不清的
marine adj. 海洋的
architecture n. 建築式樣;建築學
bombard vt. 轟炸
aquarium n. 水族館;水族箱
manta ray 魟魚
marvelous adj. 令人驚嘆的;極佳的
pane n. (窗上的)一塊玻璃
collapse n. & v. 倒塌;崩潰
throngs of 成群的(人)
contemporary adj. 當代的;同時代的
motif n. 主題
it’s little wonder that 難怪
文章出處:《實用English Digest 5月號》
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