
KMT Chairman Eric Chu applies for three weeks leave from Central Standing Committee meetings





[[國民黨主席 朱立倫]]


[[立法院副院長 洪秀柱]]


[[國民黨台北市議員 秦慧珠]]



KMT Chairman Eric Chu has applied for three weeks leave from attending meetings of the KMT Central Standing Committee, an action that comes just as the KMT presidential primary enters stage two, a public opinion poll. Chu says he needs to attend to municipal matters, though some within the KMT believe he’s simply posturing before being recruited as the party’s presidential candidate. 

Eric Chu appeared at New Taipei’s Taishan Senior High School where he officiated the tip-off ceremony for a basketball game.

Eric Chu
KMT Chairman
I think that everyone knows that a mayor must attend city council question-and-answer sessions, which begin this week. 

Chu said that his decision to ask for leave from the KMT Central Standing Committee was due to municipal affairs. The lone candidate in the KMT presidential primary, Hung Hsiu-chiu, defended Chu’s actions.

Hung Hsiu-chiu
Deputy Legislative Speaker
One key reason the (KMT) chairman was so indecisive about registering (for the primary) was his responsibilities in the New Taipei City government. He is fulfilling those responsibilities.

Chu’s actions have sparked debate within the party. Some believe that he’s momentarily sitting on the sidelines, awaiting potential recruitment by the party to serve as its presidential nominee. 

Chin Hui-chu
KMT Taipei City Councilor
On the one hand, people will say that you’re not accepting responsibility. On the other hand, people will feel that you’re attempting to shun controversy as you wait to be recruited. Requesting leave doesn’t benefit Eric Chu as KMT chairman. DPP city councilors won’t stop this line of questioning during question-and-answer sessions just because you took leave as KMT chairman for three weeks. 

After Chu became KMT chairman and met Chinese President Xi Jinping, many thought he would become the KMT’s candidate in the presidential election. So far he has managed to keep such expectations at a distance.



文章連結: http://englishnews.ftv.com.tw/read.aspx?sno=6CA781BD7E2B9DCCDE57E50874882C04

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