近期,法國政府擬取消每週35小時工時限制,逾萬名勞工上街抗議,鄰近的德國勞工部長卻想禁止主管下班後透過通訊軟體干擾員工,就連英國、美國都確定調漲最低薪資。工時全球第4長的台灣勞工是否也該拒絕過勞(burn out)?


to burn out 過勞;筋疲力盡

A:Germany banned its managers from contacting staff out of hours to prevent employees from burning out.

B:Wow, I wish Taiwanese government enacts the same policy.

to amend 修訂

A:However, France plans to amend the 35-hour workweek, which prompted the protest across France. 

B:The government claims to help the economy by making it easier for companies to hire and fire workers. 

minimum wage 最低薪資

A:On the other hand, Britain thinks increasing minimum wage can in fact boost its economy.

B:If the government doesn't get the balance right, it will risk being unaffordable for small businesses.


1. culprit:罪魁禍首
2. workforce:勞動力
3. work-life balance:工作與生活的平衡
4. compensatory time:補休



文章轉自 {商業週刊}


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