Some think you can’t learn anything from watching action movies.
But, it’s not true!
The movie that we are using as an example is ”Captain America 3 : Civil War”
英文是”Captain America 3 : Civil War”
1.“We need to be put in check.”(台詞)
鋼鐵人說”We need to be put in check.”
Iron Man says, ”We need to be put in check.”
“put in check”的意思是「需要被管制」
“put in check” means that a person needs to be controlled.
For example, “Trump needs to be put in check.”
2.”Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”(台詞)
鋼鐵人又說”Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”
Iron Man also says, ”Whatever form that takes, I’m game.”
I’m game”的意思不是「我是遊戲」,是「我願意」
“I’m game” doesn’t mean I am game, means “agree to do something with someone”.
For example, “Hey Johnny, do you wanna see Batman v.s. Superman?”
“Yeah I’m game!”
3.”If I see the situation pointed South, I can’t ignore it.“(台詞)
美國隊長說”If I see the situation pointed South, I can’t ignore it.”
Captain America says, “If I see the situation pointed South, I can’t ignore it.”
“pointed South”或”going South”的意思就是情況變壞
“pointed South” or ”going South” both mean the situation gets worse.
We use South as reference because it indicates going down.
For example, “Johnny, your channel is going South.”
Before Spider-man shows up, Iron Man says “underoos”.
“Underoos” is a kids superhero underwear brand.
Iron Man is making fun at the fact that Spider-man looks he’s wearing a full-body underwear.
Whose side are you on? Team Captain or Team Iron Man?