英文的未來完成式有兩種不同的型態,即 “will have done" 和 “be going to have done"。與未來簡單式不同的是,這兩種未來完成式通常可以互換。
Will 型態的未來完成式
will have + 過去分詞
- Simon will have perfected his English by the time he comes back from the U.S. (賽蒙從美國回來的時候,他的英文將已精進)
- Will Simon have perfected his English by the time he comes back from the U.S.? (賽蒙從美國回來的時候,他的英文將已精進了嗎?)
- Simon will not have perfected his English by the time he comes back from the U.S. (賽蒙從美國回來的時候,他的英文將不會更加精進)
Be going to 型態的未來完成式
am/is/are + going to have + 過去分詞
- You are going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S. (你從美國回來的時候,你的英文將已精進)
- Are you going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.? (你從美國回來的時候,你的英文將已精進了嗎?)
- You are not going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S. (你從美國回來的時候,你的英文將不會更加精進)
Will 型態的未來完成式和 be going to 型態的未來完成式,意思並無差異。再者,未來完成式經常與 by (the time) 和 before 連用來表示「(到了) … 的時候;在 … 之前」的意思。
- By next July, I will have received my promotion. (到了明年七月,我將已獲得晉升)
- By the time Mark gets home, his wife is going to have cleaned the entire house. (馬克回家的時候,他太太將已打掃好整間房子)
- I am not going to have finished dinner by 7 o’clock. (我在七點之前將不會吃完晚餐)
- Will Mandy have learned enough Arabic to communicate before she moves to Dubai? (曼蒂在搬去杜拜之前將已學會足夠溝通的阿拉伯文了嗎?)
- Larry is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon. (到了賴瑞今天下午離開的時候,他可能將已完成這項提案)
- By the time Pauline finishes that course, she will have taken ten tests. (寶琳完成該項課程時,她將已考了十次試)
- How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50? (你在五十歲之前將已造訪了多少國家呢?)
注意:上面由 by the time 和 before 所引導的子句是使用現在簡單式而非未來簡單式,這是因為在時間副詞子句中,不能使用表示未來的 will 或 be going to。
用法之二:未來簡單式的動作發生之前已持續的一段時間 (非進行式動詞)
- By the time Susan moves to Tokyo, she will have lived in Taipei for five years. (到了蘇珊搬去東京的時候,她將已在台北住了五年.)
- I will have been in Los Angeles for six months by the time I leave. (到了我離開的時候,我將已在洛杉磯待了六個月)
- By Sunday, Cindy is going to have married for a week. (到了星期天,辛蒂將已結婚一個禮拜了)
雖然上述的未來完成式用法通常僅限於非進行式動詞及若干混合動詞的非進行式用法,但 “live"、"work,"、"teach" 和 “study" 等動詞雖不是非進行式動詞,但有時也這樣用。
與其他未來式時態一樣,在 when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if 和 unless 等所引導的時間副詞子句中,不可使用未來完成式;反之,須使用現在完成式來取代未來完成式。
- I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. (當我做完家庭作業時,我將要去看電影) (正)
- I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework. (誤)
always, usually, only, never, ever, still, just 等副詞通常位在 will 和 BE 動詞的後面。
- You will only have learned a few words. (你將只學會了幾個字)
- Will Lewis only have learned a few words? (路易斯將只學會了幾個字嗎?)
- You are only going to have learned a few words. (你將只學會了幾個字)
- Is Lewis only going to have learned a few words? (路易斯將只學會了幾個字嗎?)
- They will have completed the project before the deadline. (在截止期限之前,他們將已完成這項計畫) - 主動態
- The project will have been completed before the deadline. (在截止期限之前,這項計畫將已被完成) - 被動態
- They are going to have completed the project before the deadline. (在截止期限之前,他們將已完成這項計畫) - 主動態
- The project is going to have been completed before the deadline. (在截止期限之前,這項計畫將已被完成) - 被動態