年關將近,又是尾牙的旺季,除了吃吃喝喝之外,很多員工也期待在抽獎(prize draw)時能贏得大獎。
Taipei Times(Jan., 9, 2017)裡對尾牙(weiya)的解釋如下:
A weiya is an annual year-end banquet that is traditionally held ahead of the Lunar New Year as a way for employers to show their appreciation for their employees and is an opportunity for companies to improve the employee-employer relationship.(尾牙是一年一度農曆年前所舉行的餐宴,是雇主感謝員工的一種表現方式,也是公司聯繫和改善雇主和僱員關係的一個機會。)
尾牙除了直接音譯為weiya外,也可以翻成「year-end party / banquet或end-of-year party / banquet。
上文中的「(be)ahead of(時間或事件)」為「在(時間或事件)之前」的意思。例句:
We finished the project two weeks ahead of the schedule.(我們比預定的時間表早兩個星期完成專案。)
●appreciation (n.) 感謝
了解如何用英文描述尾牙後,一起來看看Taipei Times如何說明宴會上的習俗吧!
Traditionally, at the banquet, a chicken dish along with the chicken head would be served. The chicken head was used as a hint that the employee sitting right in front of it might be dismissed.(傳統上,餐宴中會有一盤帶有雞頭的雞肉,雞頭被用做一個暗示,坐在雞頭前的員工將可能被解僱。)
Smith & Smith travel agency has dismissed 20 people so far this year.(Smith & Smith今年到目前為止已經解僱了20位員工。)
●hint (v.、n.) 暗示
台灣的尾牙與美國的「Office Christmas party」蠻類似;此外,除夕團圓飯跟美國的感恩節(Thanksgiving)也有異曲同工之處,都是在外地工作的遊子返鄉和家人團聚的時節。
感恩節晚餐的主角是烤火雞搭配蔓越莓醬、馬鈴薯泥、南瓜派。我們的團圓飯傳統上則要有魚、水餃等菜餚。LA Times曾經介紹過年糕,摘錄如下:
The tradition of eating rice cake goes back 3,000 years. The Chinese word for rice cake, or nian gao, correlates to the phrase ‘nian nian gao sheng,’ which means ‘increasing prosperity year after year’ .(吃年糕的傳統可追溯到300年前。中文年糕跟「年年高昇」一詞有關,意指一年年越來越富饒。)
correlate with / to意思為「相關聯」,通常後面的介系詞用with。prosperity指「豐盛,富饒」,動詞是prosper。
Another important dish served at New Year’s Eve dinner is fish. The pronunciation of ‘fish’ is homonymous with that of ‘surplus’. It’s believed that eating fish will also bring prosperity and wealth to the family.(另一個重要的菜餚是魚。魚的發音和年年有餘的「餘」字發音相同。因此,吃魚也會帶來財富。)
上文中的句型「It’s believed that(子句)」很常見,通常用此句型來表示 「一般認為/相信 __」。surplus(n.)則是指「剩餘,盈餘」;反義字為deficit (n.)。
Mustard greens are also eaten. They symbolize ‘longevity’. Finally, dumplings which resemble the shape of Chinese gold ingots are an essential dish as well.(人們也吃芥菜,又稱為長年菜。這種菜象徵「長壽」。最後,水餃因狀似中國金元寶,因此也是除夕必備的一道菜。)
symbolize (v.) 象徵,「-ize」為動詞的字尾,名詞為symbol。
longevity (n.) 長壽。
resemble (v.) 相似,名詞為resemblance;也可用片語bear a resemblance to來表達。
Even though they are twins, John doesn’t bear any resemblance to his twin brother.(即使他們是雙胞胎,John和他的哥哥長的並不像。)
1. It ________ that as many as 1/3 of the adults never voted in any election.
(A) is believing
(B) believe
(C) is believed
(D) being believe
2. Failure to meet your sales target might result in _______.
(A) display
(B) discount
(C) disagree
(D) dismissal
1. 正確答案(C)。本題為文法句型題,題意為「一般認為近1/3的成人從來沒在任何一個選舉投過票」,句中的believe通常不會以進行式的時態出現。因此(A)不正確,(B)和主詞的單複數不一致,(D)並沒有真正的動詞,故(C)為正解。
2. 正確答案(D)免職、解僱。本題為單字題,題意為「無法達到銷售目標可能會被解僱。」。(A)展示、(B)折扣、(C)不同意皆不符題意,因此本題正解為(D)。
文章轉自 {商業週刊}