Michael與不熟的外籍同事搭同一部電梯,為了化解無話可談的尷尬,他想到外國人最喜歡聊天氣,便主動開口說:"It’s becoming warmer."原本只是隨口一句閒聊,沒想到對方開始一本正經,大談全球暖化問題。但其實,問題出在Michael這一方。
It's becoming warmer.(地球正在暖化中。)
It's getting warmer.(天氣開始變暖了。)
說明:become雖是「變得、變成」之意,但講"it’s becoming warmer"會有「經年累月一直在變暖」的意味,容易讓人誤以為在討論全球暖化。
例:It's getting warmer. Shall we go for a swim sometime?(天氣開始變暖了,我們哪天去游泳好嗎?)
I moved to this city for the better weather.(我搬到這個城市,因為這幾天天氣較好。)
I moved to this city for the better climate.(我搬到這個城市,因為這地方氣候較好。)
例:I could not stand the terrible climate of Chicago any more. I plan to move to San Diego next month.(我再也受不了芝加哥糟糕的氣候了,我計畫下個月搬去聖地牙哥。)
Let's see how the wind is blowing.(我們看看整個局勢如何發展。)
Let's see how the wind is influencing us.(我們看看風勢如何造成影響。)
說明:how the wind is blowing字面意思是「風如何吹」,後引申表示「大勢所趨」,因此若這麼展開話題,完全不是聊天氣,而且氣氛恐怕輕鬆不起來。
例:The weather forecaster said there’s a typhoon moving toward Taiwan.Let’s see how it will influence us.(氣象預報員說有颱風朝台灣而來,我們看看風勢如何造成影響。)
文章轉自 {商業週刊}