



1.IT篇:break down


水逆期間,如果不幸發生電腦或是電子產品故障的話,可用break down來形容,這也能用來表示車子拋錨。

句型:My __ broke down.

由於描述狀況的時候事情已經發生了,所以我們慣用過去式來表達。空格中可以填上任何物品,如computer, cell phone, tablet, car, photocopier等,多益聽力部分常出現影印機壞掉的情境,說話者便會使用這個片語。

break down如果用在形容人的話,則是表達情緒激動、崩潰的意思。breakable為形容詞,意思是「易碎的」,在機場裡常用來表達託運行李中的物品,如:

What’s in the package is easily breakable, so please handle with care.(這包裹裡面的物品極為易碎的,麻煩請小心處理。)



They are famous for their unbreakable glass used to make vases and windows.(他們以牢不可破的玻璃聞名,用在製作花瓶或窗戶等物品上。)



W: Oh, I can’t believe it’s happening again.
M: What’s the matter?
W: The photocopier broke down again, and it’s already the second time this month.
M: I thought the repair person had it fixed just two weeks ago.
W: Yeah, he did. But he also said replacing the part is only a temporary fix, the permanent solution is to get a new one, considering how old this one is.
M: Well, that’s going to be a problem since our budget for office suppliers has been cut down by 10%. 


1. What seems to the problem?
2. What happened two weeks ago?
3. What did the repair person suggest?
4. Why can’t the office purchase a new photocopier?


1. The photocopier is not working.
2. They had the photocopier repaired two weeks ago.
3. He suggested they buy a new machine because this one is getting too worn out.
4. They don’t have enough fund to get a new one because of budget cut.


2. 合約篇:renew the contract




If there is any question regarding the product, please feel free to contact me. (如果針對產品有任何問題,請盡量與我聯繫。)


I will be in contact when we have the final decision regarding the contract. (若我們對於合約做出了最後的決定,我們會與你聯繫。)


※renewable可更新的,可用來表達再生能源(renewable energy)。


W: Hey, Carl, how was the meeting? I missed it because I was out of town.
M: Oh, did Sarah send you to a client’s? Well, after thorough assessment, we will renew our contract with Darton Power.
W: Yeah, I was meeting with Mr. Yamish to talk about next year’s plan. That’s good news. They offer the best price, I believe.
M: Also, they have been quite satisfactory, meeting all our requirements.
W: No doubt. I really don’t think there is other choice.
M: Yeah, I agree. Besides, they are offering a 5% discount for the second year.


1. Why was the woman absent for the meeting?
2. What will happen to the contract with Darton Power?
3. Why do the speakers think Darton Power is a good choice?
4. What is Darton Power offering them?


1. She was meeting with a client to talk about next year’s plan.
2. They will renew the contract with Darton Power for the second year.
3. It has the best price and provides satisfying service.
4. It is giving them a 5% discount for the second year contract.


3.星座篇:What’s your sign?


如果諸事不順的話,或許最好的方法就是先放下工作,跟同事聊聊星座,緩和一下情緒吧!在英文中問人家星座的說法就是What’s your sign?

sign當動詞時是簽名的意思,在職場中如果要請主管或主事負責人簽名可以問「Can you sign here?」名詞是signature,可以改成「Can I have your signature here?」


另外sign language指的就是手語,顧名思義,指的就是用手比出不同的符號,和body language肢體語言可是大大不同喔。




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