7月,4G開台新聞占據台灣媒體不少版面,對消費者來說,4G的意義是速度更快、內容更多。無物不聯的時代已近在眼前,Internet of Things就是這個意思。眼前,最夯的產品不外乎智慧型眼鏡、手表與腕帶等穿戴式裝置;未來,最大的市場則是遙控式智慧家庭,科技產業視其為「下一件大事(next big thing)」。
Internet of Things 物聯網
A:Still checking emails with your PC? You're behind the times. A new era called IoT arrived. (還在用電腦看電郵?你落伍了,現在已經是物聯網時代了。)
B:I what?(「物」什麼?)
cloud technology 雲端科技
A:IoT, or Internet of Things. Through cloud technology, anything can be an Internet device.(IoT,是指萬物皆聯網,雲端科技讓萬物都成為網路載體。)
B:Anything? How about toothbrushes?(任何東西?那牙刷呢?)
smart device 智慧型產品
A:There you go! Even toothbrushes can be a top-notch smart device.(說對了!即使像牙刷都可以是很棒的智慧型產品。)
B:That's amazing!(太酷了!)
1. wearable device:穿戴式裝置
2. augmented reality:擴增實境
3. smart band:智慧型腕帶