“You can say that again!" 呃......我好好跟你說話,你這麼激動叫我再講一次,是想吵架嗎?
“Oh boy! This is disgusting!" 欸欸!我明明就是女生,幹嘛叫我男孩?
“Do you have a crush on the girl?" 什麼啊!我明明在讚美那個女生,怎麼會去撞她?


1. Oh boy! 天啊!


Oh boy! Maggie looked so pretty at the wedding.(天啊!Maggie 在婚禮上看起來美極了!)
Oh boy! Today is not my day!(天啊!我今天真衰!)

2. come by 取得

come by 除了「拜訪」的意思,還有另外一個意思是「取得」。大家可以這樣背:到 comebuy 就能取得飲料,所以 come by 就是取得的意思啦!

A good job is hard to come by.(要得到好工作並不容易。)
How did you come by that scar on your forehead?(你額頭上的疤是怎麼來的?)

3. every now and then 有時

這句片語相當於 “once in a while" 或是 “from time to time“,也可以說是口語中「三不五時」的意思。

I visit my grandparents every now and then.(我有時候會去拜訪我的爺爺奶奶。)
We still see each other every now and then.(我們有時候還是會約出來見面。)

4. out of question 毫無疑問

這句片語等於 beyond question,就是「肯定」的意思。值得注意的是,如果加了一個" the" 變成 “out of the question“,意思就變成「不可能 (發生) 的、不被允許的」囉!大家可以把這個片語打顆星星,因為它在各大英文檢定考試都經常出現喔!

It’s out of question that Bella will marry Edward.(Bella 一定會嫁給 Edward。)
Asking my father for money was completely out of the question.(跟我爸爸要錢根本是無稽之談。)

5. You can say that again. 你說的沒錯!


A: I think Austin Butler is the most handsome man in the world.(我認為 Austin Butler 是全世界最帥的人。)
B: You can say that again.(說得好!)

6. stand somebody up 放某人鴿子

stand up 是起立的意思,但是 stand somebody up 是指一個人沒有按時去赴約,常用於約會時候放鳥約會對象。

貼心小提醒:somebody 要替換成自己所要指的人喔!例如:"Don’t stand me/him/her/them/us up!"

Anna stood me up yesterday for the third straight time. This is getting ridiculous.(Anna 昨天是第三次放我鳥了。這真的太誇張了。)

Eddie was afraid his fiancée might have stood him up because she was three hours late for the wedding.(Eddie 擔心他被未婚妻放鴿子,因為婚禮已經開始三個小時了,她卻還沒出現。)

7. The rest is history. 接下來的大家都知道了

這句話若直翻就是「剩下的都是歷史」,想必很多人都會一頭霧水吧!這句話常用於介紹一個人的生平或是事件原委,當講到一個大家都知道的段落時,就可以接 “the rest is history",告訴聽眾接下來的事情大家都知道了。

A talent scout spotted Marilyn Monroe at the airport, and the rest is history.(一名星探在機場看到瑪麗蓮夢露,而接下來想必大家都已經知道了。)

8. have a crush on somebody 迷戀某人

crush 是「撞擊」的意思,所以可以想成某個人闖進了你的心裡。Do you have a crush on _______? 就可以解讀成閒聊八卦時常說的「欸你是不是喜歡誰?」

Melody has a crush on the captain of the basketball team.(Melody 非常喜歡籃球隊隊長。)


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