
Heavy personnel costs contributed to an overall loss. (造成)

2. 過去出口商打入市場是很困難的。
Exporters had difficulty in penetrating the market. (打入市場)

What does that make the new total sales figure?

They weighed the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision. (衡量)

She couldn't stop shopping and ended up maxing out her credit card. (刷爆)

I just couldn't get my message across at the meeting. (真正表達)

I want to make sure that we are on the same page. (有共識)

8. 這款電腦有白色、黑色和銀色三種顏色!
The computer comes in white, black and silver.

I don't plan on making a career out of programming.

10. 我會在回覆你做確認。
I'll get back to you to confirm.


11. 我覺得自己永遠無法符合他的標準。
I feel like I'll never be able to measure up to his expectations.

12. 近半的投資者說他們較一年前更有餘裕投資。
Nearly half investors say that they are financially better off today than they were a year ago. (更有餘裕)

Our new office is up and running.

14. 你做了筆好生意。讓我們為達成共識握手吧。
You strike a hard bargain. Let's shake on that.

15. 請你儘早與我們之ㄧ會面,以趕上期限。
Please plan to meet with one of us as soon as possible, so you can make the deadline.

16. 她很努力,但還是無法勝任這份工作。
She has been trying, but I don't think she's up to this job.

Your charges come to $124.38. Will you pay by check, in cash, or with a credit card? (總計)

18. 我們被要求要想出一些想出一些新的點子。
We've been asked to come up with some new ideas. (想出)
She came up with a great proposal for the new advertising campaign.

19. 他宣稱如果在總統大選勝選他將信守承諾。
He claimed that he would never go back on his word if he won the presidential election. (信守承諾)

20. 你何不詳細說明你的新投資?
Why not go into details of your new investment? (詳細說明)


21. 儘管他和這計畫有關,他並不居功。
Though he is associated with the project, he didn't take credit for its success. (居功)

22. 新世界正在取代舊的世界。
The old world is giving way to the new. (消失於、被取代)。

23. 你把我看成什麼人了?
What do you take me for?

24. 手機這個媒介比電話好太多了,是大勢所趨。
Cellphones are a much better medium than telephones. Cellphones are   the way to go. (大勢所趨)

25. 新的總裁接手時重整了公司的結構。
The new CEO shook up the structure of the company when she took   over. (重整)

26. 你在股票投資上的進展如何?
How do you make out on the stock investment?

27. 蛋糕不夠分。
There isn't enough cake to go round.

28. 我們加班有額外的補貼。
We get extra time off in lieu of payment for working overtime.

29. I am way behind on answering feedback.

30. 你能告訴我最新消息嗎? 
Can you bring me up-to-date on the new project?



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