
現在非事實條件句 + 進行式


If 子句:were + 現在分詞
結果子句:would be + 現在分詞


現在非事實條件句 + 進行式係用來敘述可能在此時此刻發生的虛構情況。

If 子句的例句:

  • If the sun were shining, I would go shopping. (如果現在陽光普照,我就去購物) - 可惜的是,現在正下著雨,所以我不能去購物。
  • If Johnny were sitting here, we would be able to ask him the question ourselves. (如果強尼現在坐在這裡,我們就可以親自問他這問題) - 但強尼現在並沒有坐在這裡。他在別的地方。
  • We would be able to go sailing if the wind were blowing. (如果現在起風,我們就能駕船航行) - 但現在沒有風,所以我們不能駕船航行。


  • If I were in Pescadores, I would be eating delicious seafood. (如果我在澎湖,我現在正在大啖美味的海鮮) - 但我現在不在澎湖。
  • If my mother were here, she would be preparing dinner for me. (如果我母親在這裡,她現在正在為我準備晚餐) - 但她現在不在這裡。
  • I would be swimming in the sea right now if my leg weren’t broken. (如果我的腿沒有斷,我現在正在海泳) - 但我的腿斷了,所以現在我沒有在海泳。


過去非事實條件句 + 進行式


If 子句:had been + 現在分詞
結果子句:would have been + 現在分詞


過去非事實條件句 + 進行式係用來敘述發生在過去某一特定時間點或過去一段時間的虛構情況。

If 子句的例句:

  • If I had been talking to Peter when he said that, I would have punched him in the face. (如果彼得說那件事的時候,我正在跟他談話,我一定會在他臉上狠狠揍一拳) - 但彼得說那件事的時候,我並沒有在跟他談話。
  • If Emma had been standing near the house when the wall collapsed, it would have killed her. (如果圍牆倒塌時,艾瑪正站在房子旁邊,那一定會要了她的命) - 幸運地,她在圍牆倒塌之前走開了。


  • If you had gone to his house last night, he would have been sitting on his couch in front of the TV. (如果昨晚你去他家,他一定坐在電視機前的沙發上) - 但你沒有去他家,所以你沒有看到他當時正在做什麼。
  • If Sophia had missed her train, William would have been waiting for her at the station for hours. (如果蘇菲亞未搭上火車,威廉一定在車站等她好幾個小時) - 幸運地,蘇菲亞搭上了火車,所以威廉不必等她。

注意:過去非事實條件句 + 進行式,可以像過去進行式一樣,在虛構的情況中用來強調過去進行式的動作發生在過去某個時間點之前或過去同時進行中的動作。

If 子句的例句:

  • If Robert had been crossing the street when the car ran the red light, it would have hit him. (如果那部汽車闖紅燈時,羅伯特正在過馬路,它一定會撞上他)
  • If Jack had been studying while Alice was making dinner, he would have finished his homework early and they could have gone to the movies. (如果愛麗絲在準備晚餐時,傑克也同時在做功課,他一定會提早做完功課,而他們就可以去看電影了)


  • If Robert hadn’t stopped to tie his shoe, he would have been crossing the street when the car ran the red light. (如果羅伯特沒有停下來綁鞋帶,當那部汽車闖紅燈時,他一定正在過馬路)
  • If you had gone to their house last night, Paul would have been reading the newspaper, Mary would have been talking on the phone and the kids would have been watching TV. They always do the same things. (如果昨晚你去他們家,保羅一定正在看報紙,瑪麗正在講電話,孩子們都在看電視。他們總是做同樣的事情)

注意:過去非事實條件句 + 進行式,也可以像現在完成進行式或過去完成進行式一樣,在虛構的情況中用來強調動作持續的時間。

If 子句的例句:

  • Jason said he had been studying Thai for more than five years. If he had been studying the language that long, I think he would have been able to interpret for us at the airport. (傑森說他已經學了超過五年的泰語。如果他學泰語已經學了那麼久,他在機場一定能為我們口譯)
  • Kelly claimed she had been waiting in the rain for more than twenty minutes by the time we arrived, but she wasn’t even wet. If she had been waiting that long, I think she would have been totally drenched by the time we arrived. (凱莉宣稱在我們到達之前,她已經在雨中等了超過二十分鐘,但她一點都沒濕。如果她已經等了那麼久,我想在我們到達之前,她一定全身濕透了)


  • Owen’s plane arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn’t decided to go to the airport early, he would have been waiting there for more than thirty minutes before I arrived. (歐文的飛機提早抵達。如果我沒有決定提早去機場,在我到達機場之前,他一定已經在那裡等了超過三十分鐘)
  • At the travel agency yesterday, I waited for more than an hour for somebody to help me. Finally, I got up and left. If I hadn’t decided to leave, I would have been sitting there forever. (昨天在那家旅行社,我等他們的人來協助我就等了超過一小時。最後我起身離開了。如果我沒有決定離開,我一定會在那裡坐一輩子)

未來非事實條件句 + 進行式


If 子句:were + 現在分詞
結果子句:would be + 現在分詞


未來非事實條件句 + 進行式,可以像未來進行式一樣,在虛構的情況中用來強調未來進行式的動作發生在未來簡單式的動作之前。

注意:未來非事實條件句 + 進行式與現在非事實條件句 + 進行式看起來一模一樣,但前者句中都會有 “tomorrow"、"next week" 或 “in a couple of days" 等表示未來的字眼。

If 子句的例句:

  • If Billy were waiting there next week when Helen gets off the plane, she would be totally surprised. (如果下週海倫下飛機時,比利正在那裡等她,她一定會大吃一驚) - 但比利不會在那裡等她,所以海倫不會驚訝。
  • If he were staying in that hotel next week while the conference is being held, he might be able to meet some of the key speakers and tell them about our new product. (如果下週會議舉行期間他住在那家飯店,他也許能夠跟若干主講人碰面,將我們的新產品告訴他們) - 我認為他不會住在那家飯店,所以他不可能在那裡跟任何人碰面。


  • If I were able to go to the train station tonight to meet Brenda, I would be standing on the platform waiting for her when she arrives. (如果今晚我能去火車站跟布蘭達見面,當她到達時,我一定正站在月台上等她) - 但我今晚不能去火車站,所以當她到達時,我不會正站在月台上。
  • If you went over to Peter’s house after work, he would probably be sitting there at his computer surfing the Internet. (如果你下班後去彼得家裡,他可能正坐在電腦前面上網) - 但你下班後不會去他家。


文章連結: http://englishhome.org/continuous-conditionals.html

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