就第一和第二人稱及複數動詞而言,普通動詞的現在簡單式就是原形動詞,如 I/you/we/they run, I/you/we/they have,,但 BE 動詞為不規則,如 I am, you/we/they are,而問句和否定句則使用 do 當助動詞;至於第三人稱和單數動詞,普通動詞須加 “s" 或 “es" (字尾為 s, z, sh, ch, j 或 zs 的音) 及使用 has,如 he/she/it runs, he/she/it rushes, he/she/it has,BE 動詞一律使用 is,如 he/she/it is,而問句和否定句則使用 does 當助動詞。
- I play the piano. (我彈鋼琴)
- She does not play the piano. (她不彈鋼琴)
- Do you play the piano? (你彈鋼琴嗎?)
- The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. (火車每天早上 8 點開出)
- The train does not leave at 9 AM. (火車不在早上 9 點開出)
- When does the train usually leave? (火車通常在何時開出?)
- Cindy always forgets her purse. (辛蒂老是忘記帶錢包)
- Gary never forgets his wallet. (蓋瑞從來不會忘記帶皮夾子)
- Every twelve months, the earth circles the sun. (每 12 個月地球會繞太陽一圈)
- Does the sun circle the earth? (太陽是繞地球旋轉嗎?)
- Cats like milk. (貓喜歡牛奶)
- Birds do not like milk. (鳥不喜歡牛奶)
- Do pigs like milk? (豬喜歡牛奶嗎?)
- Taipei is in Taiwan. (台北位在台灣)
- Taipei is not in China. (台北不是位在中國)
- Windows are made of glass. (窗戶是玻璃做成的)
- Windows are not made of wood. (窗戶不是木頭做成的)
- Shanghai is a small city. (上海是個小城市) - 儘管這項說法並非事實,但這並不重要。
說話者有時使用現在簡單式來談論不久的將來的預定事件。這最常用在談論大眾交通工具的情況,但它亦可用來談論其他預定事件。換言之,當未來的事件或動作是事先安排好的或確定的計畫且句中含有時間副詞,那麼就可使用現在簡單式來表示未來,而這類句子常用的動詞有 arrive, leave, return, start, begin, end, finish, open, close, come, go, fly, be 等。
- My new job starts next month. (我的新工作下個月開始)
- He leaves for New Zealand the day after tomorrow. (他後天前往紐西蘭)
- The train does not arrive at 4:30 this afternoon. (火車今天下午四點三十分不會抵達)
- There is a show at eight tomorrow night. (明天晚上八點有一場表演)
- The exhibition opens on August 1st and closes on August 15th. (展覽將於 8 月 1 日開幕,8 月 15 日結束)
- I fly to Japan next Friday. (我下週五飛往日本)
- The train leaves tonight at 8 PM. (火車將在今晚 8 時開出)
- When do we board the plane? (我們何時登機?)
- When does class begin tomorrow? (課明天什麼時候開始上?)
用法之四:現在發生的事件 (非進行式動詞)
- I am here now. (我現在在這裡)
- She is not here now. (她現在不在這裡)
- He needs help right now. (他現在就需要幫忙)
- He does not need help now. (他現在不需要幫忙)
- He has his passport in his hand. (他現在手上拿著他的護照)
- Do you have your passport with you? (你有帶著你的護照嗎?)
always, usually, only, never, ever, still, just 等副詞通常位在 BE 動詞的後面或普通動詞的前面。
- Martha is usually home by this time. (這個時候瑪莎通常已經到家了)
- Mary always walks to work. (瑪麗總是走路去上班)
- Do you only speak English? (你只講英語嗎?)
- Once a week, Tommy washes the car. (湯米每週洗車一次) - 主動態
- Once a week, the car is washed by Tommy. (車子每週被湯米洗一次) - 被動態