明天就要對客戶做簡報,老闆在晨會上一一詢問相關同仁是否做好了準備。負責撰寫書面報告的Michael利用週日加班完成任務,他趁機向老闆邀功:「I tried to finish the paper yesterday......」沒想到話還來不及說完,老闆立刻變臉。
(X)I tried to finish the paper yesterday.
(O)I finished the paper yesterday.
說明:中文說「試著完成某事」是指真的達成任務,「試著」可解釋為一種努力的態度。但英文"I tried to finish..."卻是在表示「努力過後仍無法做到」。
例:We have a presentation tomorrow, so I finished the paper yesterday.(我知道明天就要做簡報,所以我昨天完成了報告。)
(X) We will ship the goods today in principle.
(O) We will ship the goods today.
說明:職場中表達明確事項時,建議不要多加in principle(原則上)一詞,因為那帶有不確定、不一定的味道。
例:We will ship the goods today. Please confirm that the number of goods is correct before shipment.(我們會在今天出貨,請在出貨前確認商品數量是否正確。)
(X) This is a great proposal.The boss almost agreed to execute it.
(O) This is a great proposal.The boss agreed to execute it.
說明:光看中文,這句的「幾乎同意」,有可能是指還在等時間或其他因素到位,基本上是「同意」了,而almost agree的講法多半是在客套地表示「不能同意」。
例:To thank employees for their hard work,the boss agreed to hold an annual outing next month.(為了慰勞員工,老闆同意下個月舉辦年度旅遊。)