英文的未來簡單式有兩種不同的型態,即 “will" 和 “be going to"。雖然這兩種型態有時可以互換,但它們通常表示兩種截然不同的意思。這兩個不同的意思起初可能讓人覺得太抽象,但經過一段時間的練習後,它們之間的差異將會變得顯而易見。"will" 和 “be going to" 均指未來某一特定時間。
Will 型態
will + 原形動詞
- Gina will help him later. (吉娜稍後將幫他)
- Will Gina help him later? (吉娜稍後將幫他嗎?)
- Gina will not help him later. (吉娜稍後不會幫他)
Be going to 型態
am/is/are + going to + 原形動詞
- John is going to have dinner with Louise tonight. (約翰今晚將與露薏絲共進晚餐)
- Is John going to have dinner with Louise tonight? (約翰今晚將與露薏絲共進晚餐嗎?)
- John is not going to have dinner with Louise tonight. (約翰今晚不與露薏絲共進晚餐)
用法之一:"will" 是在表示意願
“will" 通常表示說話者自己願意做某事,亦即說話者自願為某人做某事。我們往往使用 will 來回應別人的抱怨或請求。我們也使用 will 來要求或請求別人幫助我們或自願為我們做某事。同樣地,我們可以使用 “will not" 或 “won’t" 來表示不願做某事。
- I will remit the money to you when I get it. (當我拿到那筆錢時,我會把它匯給你)
- I will translate the contract from English into Chinese. (我會把這份英文合約翻成中文)
- Will you help me move this heavy dining table? (你願意幫我移動這張笨重的餐桌嗎?)
- Will you make dinner? (你願意做晚飯嗎?)
- I will not do your homework for you. (我不會幫你做家庭作業)
- I won’t lend any money to him. (我不要借錢給他)
- A: I’m really hungry. (我很餓)
B: I’ll make some spaghetti. (我去做些義大利麵) - A: I’m so tired. I’m about to fall asleep. (我很累。我快要睡著了)
B: I’ll get you a coffee. (我去給你弄杯咖啡) - A: The phone is ringing. (電話響了)
B: I’ll get it. (我去接)
用法之二:"will" 是在表示承諾
“will" 經常用在承諾中。
- I will call you when I arrive. (我到達時會打電話給你)
- If I am elected President of the Republic of China, I will make sure everyone has access to inexpensive health insurance. (如果我當選中華民國總統,我會確保人人享有低費率的健保)
- I promise I will not tell your wife about the pay raise. (我保證不會把加薪的事告訴你太太)
- Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. (別擔心,我會小心謹慎的)
- I won’t tell anyone your secret. (我不會把你的秘密告訴任何人)
用法之三:"be going to" 是在表示計畫
“be going to" 是在表示事情是經過事先計畫的。它是表示一個人未來想要或打算做某事,至於計畫是否可行或能不能實現,則無關緊要。
- Albert is going to spend his vacation in Hokkaido. (亞伯特要去北海道度假)
- Jenny is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii. (珍妮不去夏威夷度假)
- A: When are we going to meet each other tonight? (我們今晚什麼時候見面呢?)
B: We are going to meet at 7 PM. (我們要在下午七點碰面) - I’m going to be an actor when I grow up. (長大後我要做個演員)
- Mike is going to begin medical school next year. (麥可明年就要開始唸醫學院了)
- They are going to drive all the way to Taipei. (他們要一路開車到台北)
- Who are you going to invite to the party? (你要邀請誰參加派對呢?)
- A: Who is going to make Jacob’s birthday cake? (誰要做雅各的生日蛋糕呢?)
B: Mandy is going to make Jacob’s birthday cake. (曼蒂要做雅各的生日蛋糕)
用法之四:"will" 和 “be going to" 皆可表示對未來的預測
“will" 和 “be going to" 皆可表示對未來的一般性預測,但 will 通常表示主觀的預測,而 be going to 是表示根據客觀情況所做的預測,如 Look at the sky. It’s going to rain. (看看天空,就快要下雨了 - 因為說話當時,天空烏雲密佈)。然而,在以 will 和 be going to 表示預測的句子中,主詞通常無法掌控未來可能發生的事情,所以用法之一至用法之三並不適用。在下面的例句中,它們的意思並無差異。
- The year 2100 will be a very interesting year. (2100 年可能會是非常有趣的一年)
- The year 2100 is going to be a very interesting year. (2100 年可能會是非常有趣的一年)
- John Cena will be the next President. (約翰‧席納可能會是下任總統)
- John Cena is going to be the next President. (約翰‧席納可能會是下任總統)
- The movie “Life of Pi" will win several Academy Awards. (《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》可能會贏得數項奧斯卡大獎)
- The movie “Life of Pi" is going to win several Academy Awards. (《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》可能會贏得數項奧斯卡大獎)
在 when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if 和 unless 等所引導的時間副詞子句中,絕不能使用表示未來的 will 或 be going to。
- When you arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. (今晚你到達時,我們就外出用餐) (正)
- When you will arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner. (誤)
- I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. (我做完家庭作業後要去看電影) (正)
= I am going to see a movie after I finish my homework. - I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework. (誤)
always, usually, only, never, ever, still, just 等副詞通常位在 will 或 BE 動詞之後。
- He will never help you again. (他再也不會幫你了)
- Will you ever help him again? (你還會再幫他嗎?)
- Carla is never going to meet Arthur. (卡拉永遠都不要再遇到亞瑟)
- Are you ever going to meet Janet? (你還要再遇到珍妮嗎?)
- David will finish the work by 6:00 PM. (大衛將在下午六點之前完成這項工作) - 主動態
- The work will be finished by 6:00 PM. (這項工作將在下午六點之前被完成) - 被動態
- Teresa is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight. (泰瑞莎今晚將做一頓很棒的晚餐) - 主動態
- A beautiful dinner is going to be made by Teresa tonight. (泰瑞莎今晚將做一頓很棒的晚餐) - 被動態