Everyone is talking about the wars going on in Paris. However, these wars are not particularly violent since they involve little pieces of notepaper called Post-its.
Workers at high-tech companies have been sticking Post-it notes on their office windows and arranging them into pixelated images. They use hundreds to thousands of Post-its, with each company trying to outdo the others. Young executives meet at lunch to discuss other companies' designs and to plan better ones. Some pieces are so big and complicated that they need the help of a computer to work out the designs. It might seem as if these employees have too much time on their hands. Still, they are sticking to their hobby and keeping the Post-it wars raging.




pixelated a. 像素化的,像點陣圖的 
outdo vt. 勝過,超越;比……更成功 
Rebecca outdid all the other players to win the tournament. 
stick to + 名詞/動名詞  堅持(做)…… 
I will stick to doing what I think is right.





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